Improving the efficiency of belt conveyors use
steeply inclined conveyor, belt, bulk cargo, an elastic element, angle of reposeAbstract
The work is devoted to development of a steeply inclined mobile belt conveyor. Due to the literary analysis of the existing designs of inclined belt conveyors, a simple design was proposed. This design allows moving the bulk cargo to a bigger angle than the angle of repose of the cargo, without increasing the working branch of the conveyor. It can also reduce the time for adjusting the change of lifting of the cargo that reduces the cost of loading and unloading operations of bulk cargoes.
The proposed design of the developed steeply inclined mobile belt allows the movement of bulk cargoes. It is due to the use of a conveyor belt that is used with an overhead elastic element. The elastic element is placed on the carrier belt in a folded manner. It has a given step and it is attached to the edges of the belt. If the cargo is transported at an angle less than the angle of repose, it moves in a continuous stream into the working area for unloading. In the case of installing the conveyor at an angle that is bigger than the angle of repose and the relative movement of the cargo with the belt under the action of gravity (displacement), overhead elastic elements open and form certain pockets. In this way, these pockets feed the cargo into the unloading zone, and then the belt receives the previous shape.
The numerical experimental study was carried out in the Mathcad system. In this study, the authors of the research considered the influence of the change in the productivity of the conveyor depending on the change in the angle of the conveyor belt and the influence of the properties of the bulk material that was transported. The article presents graphical results of conveyor productivity research under the condition of an inclination of the conveyor belt at an angle that is less than the angle of repose of the material. Besides, productivity of the conveyor was shown under the condition of its operation when the angle of the conveyor belt was bigger than the angle of repose.
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