Methods of researching hydro-gas-dynamic processes in closed bypass channels of different cross-sections




hydro-gas-dynamics, technological channel, MATLAB system, SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation environment


The article considers different methods of researching the hydro-gas-dynamic processes in closed bypass channels with different cross-sections. One of the used methods involved an analytical approach, which was distinguished by the complexity of mathematical calculations and the subsequent visualization of hydro-gas-dynamic processes using the MATLAB system. This method facilitated a detailed analysis of the channel’s features and reproduction of the phenomena of a laminar mode of the flow of liquids and gases in it, providing a deeper understanding of their nature.

Another technique involved simulation computer modeling of the processes of laminar flow of liquid and gas through channels of different cross-sections in the SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation environment. To apply this technique, the input parameters and conditions were specified, and the obtained results were analyzed and interpreted in detail. This approach was used to create realistic computer models of hydro-gas-dynamic phenomena, allowing researchers to deeply study their behavior and interaction in the conditions of different cross-sections of channels.

A comparison of the results obtained using both methods indicated the adequacy of their reproduction of hydro-gas-dynamic processes in closed bypass channels with different cross-sections. The obtained data not only confirmed the accuracy of the chosen methods of analysis but also expanded the understanding of the flow of liquid and gas under the conditions of their laminar movement. This research opens up new horizons for further scientific studies in the field of hydro-gas-dynamic phenomena and can be applied in important engineering design calculations where high accuracy and reliability of hydro-gas-dynamic process calculations are required.


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How to Cite

Baranovych С., Stukalets І., Sheremeta Р., Korobka С., & Babych М. (2024). Methods of researching hydro-gas-dynamic processes in closed bypass channels of different cross-sections. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (27), 108–112.




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