Analysis and experimental determination of temperature parameters for the working fluid in an adjustable volumetric hydraulic drive for machines


  • M. Mykhaliuk Lviv National Environmental University
  • Ya. Sholudko Lviv National Environmental University
  • M. Babych Lviv National Environmental University
  • R. Humeniuk Lviv National Environmental University


adjustable pump, working fluid, fluid flow, working pressure, temperature, power, hydraulic drive, throttling, conditioning, hydraulic motor, regulator, viscosity, valve, experiment


The hydraulic system of the modern loader JCB 4CX Sitemaster Pro is examined. The influence of the working fluid temperature on the hydraulic drive power as a whole, and its dependence on the technical condition of the hydraulic system components, has been established. Calculations and studies have shown that new pumps with operational wear theoretically have different optimal working fluid temperatures. An analysis has been conducted on the issues of increasing the efficiency of the power manipulative hydraulic drive and mechatronic systems, as well as the hydraulic drive of agricultural machinery, vehicles, road construction equipment, and lifting equipment operating under harsh conditions. Promising directions for improving existing and creating new samples and models of power hydraulic drives for the aforementioned systems, installations, machines, and equipment are determined. The methods for increasing the efficiency of a variable displacement hydraulic drive using multiple displacement hydraulic motors have been considered. The research shows that the pressure loss in the supply line from the pump to the inlet of the hydraulic motor should be minimal. The proposed method for constructing constant hydraulic motor curves provides insight into the values of flow rate and maximum pressure developed by the pump unit. Methods for reducing energy are proposed: the flow parameter values should be selected as closely as possible to the values of the pump unit output. In case of design complexity, it is necessary to reduce energy losses due to throttling by using flow regulators and pressure valves.


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How to Cite

Mykhaliuk М., Sholudko Я., Babych М., & Humeniuk Р. (2025). Analysis and experimental determination of temperature parameters for the working fluid in an adjustable volumetric hydraulic drive for machines. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (28), 37–41. Retrieved from

