Justification of the choice of the electric drive control system for pump unit of water treatment and water conditioning based on computer modeling
electric drive control system, pump unit, frequency controlAbstract
This article addresses the enhancement of the control system for the electric drive of the pump in the water treatment system used at a sugar factory. The study focuses on a flow diaphragm electrolyzer with a power consumption of 5 kW and an anolyte productivity ranging from 4.5 to 5 m³/h, examining the operation of an industrial water treatment system. Utilizing established calculation methods, the analysis compares throttle control and frequency control for the electric drive of the pumping unit. Key parameters, including consumed power, efficiency factor, torque, and shaft rotation speed, are calculated as functions of water flow while maintaining a specified pressure. The efficiency coefficients for the installation under different control methods are calculated, demonstrating the energy advantages of the frequency control method for the pumping unit. It was observed that, in frequency control mode, an increase in the hydraulic resistance of the system results in reduced electricity savings. A nonlinear MathCAD model was employed to evaluate an asynchronous motor starting directly under a fan torque and static load. The simulation results indicate that during the startup of the pump's asynchronous drive, the motor quickly reaches its nominal operating mode; however, the torque exhibits continuous pulsations. A mathematical model of the automatic control system allowed for a comparison between open and closed systems. Analysis of the resulting Nyquist diagrams, along with amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency characteristics, revealed an enhancement in operational stability for the closed system. Further simulations were conducted evaluating the performance of P-, PI-, and PID-regulators. Initially, all configurations provided effective stabilization; however, P- and PI-regulators eventually led to unstable operations. In contrast, the system utilizing a PID controller, with appropriately selected parameters, achieved a transient response lasting approximately 0.2 seconds.
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