Assessment of the adequacy of the simulation model of universal towing vehicles


  • H. Khudaverdian Lviv National Environmental University
  • O. Sukach Lviv National Environmental University



wheeled vehicle, four-wheel drive, simulation model, technological equipment, support surface, maximum tractive effort, transport operation, technological operation


The article discusses the results of an experimental study aimed at determining the maximum tractive effort that a wheeled vehicle (WV) can exert on a deformable surface. The primary objective is to validate a previously developed simulation model for WV movement, based on the WES methodology of the US Army, using the MATLAB Simulink software environment. Specifically, this involves evaluating the software module designed to compute maximum tractive effort for its adequacy. Previously, the adequacy of this model was assessed by comparing experimental data from the T-150K wheeled tractor with results from the corresponding simulation modeling conducted with the aforementioned software module. The experimental assessment of tractive effort was performed using the light impact vehicle "Mamai" and the Mahindra Feng Shou FS244 minitractor having well-documented technical and operational specifications. The study adhered to the principles of the WES methodology, specifically its "goes/does not" criteria, which is fundamental to the construction of the simulation model. The article details the necessary data structure for comparing experimental and modeling results and specifies the types of data and their sources to facilitate further evaluation of the model's adequacy. It also outlines the measuring equipment used in the experiments, including the modified LAN-M PRO soil penetrometer for assessing the cone index (CI) of the deformable surface, the DPU-2-2-U2 dynamometer for measuring traction force, and the UNI-T UT373 laser non-contact tachometer for determining the actual wheel rotation frequency. Confirming the adequacy of this simulation model will enable its application in the development of universal traction vehicles in the Unimog/Avtotrak category (N1/T1 type) during the design phase. This will assist in selecting power drive units and determining traction class, as well as in choosing appropriate technological equipment and trailers. The results of the experiment indicate that the simulation computer model of the WV movement is, in fact, adequate.


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How to Cite

Khudaverdian Г., & Sukach О. (2024). Assessment of the adequacy of the simulation model of universal towing vehicles. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (28), 227–232.




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