Аssessment of refrigerator vehicles suitability for the transportation of perishable goods


  • O. Myroniuk Lviv National Environmental University
  • R. Paslavskyi Lviv National Environmental University
  • O. Sukach Lviv National Environmental University
  • V. Shevchuk Lviv State University of Life Safety




refrigerated truck, temperature regime, delivery route, cargo compartment, small consignment of cargo


The factors influencing the selection of motor vehicle rolling stock for transporting various types of cargo are examined. The focus is on modern logistics approaches for delivering products to the retail trade network using specialized rolling stock. It was found that the temperature conditions during the operation of refrigerated vehicles on delivery routes are often not maintained due to the frequent opening of the van doors. This can result in a loss of quality for perishable goods during transit. The primary factor negatively impacting this is the temperature of the surrounding air. An expression of the heat balance inside the cargo compartment of a refrigerated vehicle is presented, revealing the components of heat loss. Key opportunities to reduce heat loss in refrigerated vehicles, which ensure the preservation of cargo quality, have been identified.

The design features and technical specifications of specialized vehicles for transporting perishable goods, along with their refrigeration units, have been clarified. An experimental investigation was conducted to study the effect of ambient air temperature and unloading time on the air temperature inside the cargo compartment of refrigerated vehicles equipped with compressor and eutectic refrigerating units. The hypothesis that ambient air temperature has a linear effect on the air temperature in the cargo compartment was confirmed. Analytical relations were established for the air temperature in the cargo compartment of various types of refrigerated vehicles, based on ambient air temperature, unloading time, and transit duration with cargo. Recommendations have been made to select the most suitable rolling stock for transporting small batches of ice cream on delivery routes in the trade network of Lviv. It was determined that IVECO vehicles are more appropriate for transporting small batches of perishable goods on delivery routes that involve frequent stops and high ambient air temperatures. This choice will help preserve the quality of the cargo and increase the operational efficiency of the specialized rolling stock.


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How to Cite

Myroniuk О., Paslavskyi Р., Sukach О., & Shevchuk В. (2024). Аssessment of refrigerator vehicles suitability for the transportation of perishable goods. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (28), 202–208. https://doi.org/10.31734/agroengineering2024.28.202




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