Influence of MIG brazing modes on welding parameters taking into account the synergistic effect of the semi-automatic welding machine


  • O. Shvets Lviv National Environmental University
  • S. Berezovetskyi Lviv National Environmental University
  • P. Koruniak Lviv National Environmental University
  • S. Baranovych Lviv National Environmental University
  • R. Sheremeta Lviv National Environmental University


MIG brazing, weld seams, process parameters, semi-automatic welding machine settings


In the technological processes of mechanical engineering, the method of brazing in inert gas using semi-automatic welding equipment is increasingly used for joining single and dissimilar materials. This method is also known as MIG brazing. Despite all its advantages, there are no clear recommendations for the operators of welding equipment regarding the choice of the operating modes of the equipment and their influence on the welding parameters.

The study of the MIG brazing process of 09Г2С steel with a Trans Puls Synergic (TPS) 2700 SMT semi-automatic welding machine from Fronius was carried out using a special copper-silicon CuSi3 wire with a diameter of 1.2 mm in a protective environment of pure argon with a welding column designed for linear welds, in order to identify the peculiarities of the influence of process modes and parameters on the shape and quality of the resulting joints.

As a result of the research, it was found that the process of MIG brazing of steel using a semi-automatic welding machine with Fronius TPS 2700 CMT has certain characteristics of setting technological parameters in different operating modes. The synergy of the power supply allows the main process parameters to be set within certain limits, depending on the selected operating mode.

The best MIG brazing quality is achieved when the semi-automatic machine is operated in Synergic and SMT modes. To weld steel sheets with a thickness of 1...3 mm in these modes, the welding current should be set in the range of 90...160 A at a wire feed speed of 3...5 m/min respectively. It was also found that by increasing the speed of the torch movement, the width of the weld decreases, and therefore the weld bulge increases.

As a result of the research, recommendations were made for the construction of a semi-automatic welding machine, taking into account the synergistic effect of its operation.


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How to Cite

Shvets О., Berezovetskyi С., Koruniak П., Baranovych С., & Sheremeta Р. (2025). Influence of MIG brazing modes on welding parameters taking into account the synergistic effect of the semi-automatic welding machine. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (28), 25–31. Retrieved from




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