
  • G. Wcisło Hugo Kołłątaj Univesity of Agriculture in Krakow
  • V. Didukh Lutsk National Technical University
  • V. Tomiuk4 Lviv National Agrarian University



hurds, flax straw, heat of combustion, sapropel, fuel cork, cake/briquette


The article presents the results of experimental studies of combustion heat and calorific value of briquettes on the basis of straw and flax hurds with the addition of sapropel fraction. The calorific value was determined by burning briquettes, based on the standard PN-C-04062: 2018-05, which operates in Poland. The explored models of briquettes were made in the Laboratory of Energy and Biofuels of the Malopolska Center for Renewable Energy "BioEnergia", Krakow, Poland. Fraction of straw and retted straw, as well as sapropel, were obtained in the laboratory of Lutsk National Technical University. The moisture content of straw used for briquettes production was 10%.

During experimental studies, the effect of adding sapropel fractions (30 and 50%) on the caloric value of briquettes made from the hurds and flax straw, in particular their combustion heat and calorific value, was established.

The results of experimental studies have shown that the highest values of calorific value are briquettes from the hurds, slightly smaller ones – from the flax straw, and the smallest - from these materials with addition to their composition of 30 and 50% sapropel. Humidity of the material used for the production of briquettes was 10%. The investigated models of briquettes were produced at the Energy and Biofuels Laboratory of the Malopolska Center for Renewable Energy "BioEnergia". Fraction of straw and retted straw, as well as sapropel, were obtained in the laboratory of Lutsk National Technical University.

According to the results of the research it was established that the heat of burning hurds is 22,2 MJ/kg, adding 30% sapropel causes decrease of this index by 16,6%, to 18,5 MJ / kg, and addition of 50% – by 48,2%, to 11.5 MJ/kg. The heat of combustion of flax straw is 19.7 MJ / kg, adding 30% of sapropel causes a decrease of 30%, to 13.8 MJ/kg, and the addition of 50% sapropel – by 50%, up to 9.7 MJ/kg . It should be noted that the addition of 30% sapropel to the hurds reduces its calorific value by 16.6%, and the addition of 30% sapropel to flax straw – by 30%.

Since sapropel being of organic origin in a hardened state does not burn, but is smoldering, the study of combustion time of fuel briquettes with the contents of said raw materials is promising.


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How to Cite

Wcisło Ґ., Didukh В., & Tomiuk4 В. (2023). INVESTIGATION ON THE EFFECT OF APPLICATION OF THE FACTIONS OF SAPROPEL ON THE ENERGY INDICATORS OF BRIQUETTES MADE FROM THE SRAW AND COMMON FLAX HURDS. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (22), 113–120.

