
  • V. Levoniuk Lviv National Agrarian University
  • G. Chaban National University "Lviv Polytechnic"



mathematical model, transient processes, circuit breaker, electromechanical processes, ultra-high voltage


The paper analyzes scientific publications, which showed that in most cases, the study of electromagnetic transients processes in electrotechnical systems of energy transmission is carried out without taking into account the influence of electromechanical processes on them during the operation of the mechanisms of switching the contacts of the circuit breaker, despite the fact that their velocity is commensurate with the speed leakage of electromagnetic processes. It is also shown that the switching is limited to a high voltage class. The scientific and practical necessity of constructing effective and relatively simple models of switching devices for the study of switching processes in electrotechnical systems of energy transmission is substantiated. Based on the approaches of analytical mechanics, a mathematical model of the mechanism for moving the contacts of the circuit breaker is constructed, arc processes are equivalently nonlinear active resistance, which has an exponential characteristic, which in turn depends on the distance between the contacts. On the basis of the generalized interdisciplinary (interdisciplinary) method of mathematical modeling, which is based on modifications of the Hamilton-Ostrogradsky integral variational principle, a mathematical model of a fragment of the electrical energy transfer system is constructed into which the developed model of the super-high voltage circuit breaker is integrated. This model makes it possible to analyze transient electromagnetic processes in the elements of the investigated electrotechnical system, electromechanical transient processes in the circuit breaker and their mutual influence. This makes it possible to investigate the real transients processes in the elements of the electrical system without a complicated procedure for finding the initial switching conditions.

In addition, the article presents the results of computer simulation of short-circuit current shutdown in the electrical power transfer system, which fully confirmed the correctness and adequacy of the research carried out in the article.

It is confirmed that the development of interdisciplinary research methods makes it possible, based on the unified energy approach, to build effective and adequate mathematical models of dynamic systems of various physical nature, which significantly expands the research capabilities of the eventual user.


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How to Cite

Levoniuk В., & Chaban Г. (2018). RESEARCH OF ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PROCESSES IN CIRCUIT BREAKER ULTRA-HIGH VOLTAGE. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (22), 121–128.

