power supply system, electricity losses, modeling of network modesAbstract
The electricity supplied by the energy supplying organizations to the consumers under the contracts acts as a commodity of a special kind, is characterized by the coincidence in time of the processes of production, transportation and consumption, as well as the impossibility of its storage and return. Accordingly, the concept of "quality" is applied to electricity, as for any type of product. Deviation of electricity quality indicators from the set standards exacerbates the operating conditions of electrical installations of both the network and consumers.
The analysis of scientific works, devoted to the problems of combating low-quality electricity in 0,38 / 0,22 kV power systems, shows that there are many methods and techniques available today to improve quality indicators and reduce electricity losses, but all because of its high cost, low reliability and efficiency are not widespread in the long utility lines. Therefore, the lack of a comprehensive approach to solution of the problem of electricity quality did not allow developing of objective recommendations on methods and technical means to reduce electricity losses.
Therefore, a comprehensive analysis of all factors that affect the energy savings and quality of electricity in power systems 0,38 / 0,22 kV will solve this problem and recommend cost-effective measures to reduce electricity losses. In this regard, it is necessary to design and build more energy efficient power systems, which would have several advantages over the existing power system, in which there is significant asymmetry of currents and voltages and significant losses of electricity.
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