Study of the physical and mechanical properties of walnuts


  • Z. Hoshko Lviv National Environmental University
  • V. Burtak Lviv National Environmental University
  • R. Shevchuk Lviv National Environmental University
  • M. Mahats Lviv National Environmental University
  • R. Barabash Lviv National Environmental University



walnuts, physical and mechanical properties, size indices, fats, proteins, sugars, mass, length, thickness, width, energy of destruction


This article is devoted to studying the physical and mechanical properties of walnuts, which should be considered in their post-harvest treatment, because afterwards all nuts undergo mechanical actions, in particular destruction of shell, separation of kernel, cleaning, transporting, storage, processing, etc. Projecting and calculation of equipment for realization of mechanical operations are impossible without knowing the technological properties of constituents of fruit (shells, kernels). The effort of nut shell destruction should be known to set the optimal and rational parameters of operating parts which perform the functions of shell destruction and kernel separation, as well as to design machines and vehicles of food industry. Values of the volume and mass coefficients make it possible to establish the ratio of the yield of the purified kernel to the total weight and volume nuts.

To fulfill the set tasks, a program of experimental studies was developed. It involved studying the physical and mechanical properties of such walnut varieties as Chernivetskyi and Bukovynskyi which are highly appreciated in European countries and are successfully cultivated in the western regions of Ukraine. The studied properties included indices characterizing mass and size; mass coefficient; volume coefficient; work spent for shell destruction.

In the course of the research, the obtained results confirm that the range of fluctuations of the values for the dimensional indicators of walnut is insignificant, and the value of the variation coefficient does not exceed 10%. Therefore, in the process of designing some sorting and calibrating machines, there will be no significant problems when separating walnut kernels. The studied varieties give a significant output of products of the highest (50%) and first (45%) varieties, which corresponds to the mass coefficients µmax=0.5 and µsr=0.45, respectively.

The nut of these varieties can be classified as medium-walled with a shell thickness of 1.11–1.3 mm, and the value of the work spent for its destruction must be taken into account when designing crushing machines.


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How to Cite

Hoshko З. ., Burtak В., Shevchuk Р., Mahats М. ., & Barabash Р. . (2023). Study of the physical and mechanical properties of walnuts. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (26), 5–12.

