Investigation of parameters of «fork – guide» system of a garlic saddle


  • Ya. Semen Lviv National Agrarian University



garlic cloves, planting machine, fork, guide, speed, movement


The results of scientific researches on the problems of mechanized planting of garlic and, in particular, the parameters of the "fork – guide" system of the developed design of planting are presented in the article. For the conditions of technological process of planting teeth of garlic with forced piece-laying them in a wedge-shaped groove a day down, and with a sprout up, the interaction of the roller of the stem of the fork of the chain-plunger apparatus with the guide and the balls of the control mechanism from the crown under control is investigated.

The calculation scheme of the interaction of the roller with the guide while lifting the fork is given, and analytical studies of the "fork – guide" system of the garlic seedlings are performed. It is established that in order to prevent jamming and to eliminate excessive wear of the contacting surfaces while moving the fork upwards, it is necessary to observe the conditions that the elastic force from the action of the compressed spring of the plunger is higher than the total force of the forces of the fork and friction arising during contact. mechanism for controlling the fingers of the fork on the brackets. That condition is mandatory irrespective of the rigidity of the elastic elements, the profile of the directional and constructive execution of the brackets of the chain-plunger apparatus of the planter.

Theoretical dependences are obtained for determining the displacement and speed of the characterized process, which are solved by the numerical Runge – Kutta method with the following graphical representation of the obtained regularities.

It has been investigated that during the fork movement, the theoretical curves of its displacement over time in all cases of studies have the same regularity and are characterized by a concave curve with its smooth growth in the first 0.01 s and a rather sharp increase in almost proportional dependence in the rest of the interaction time of the roller plunger of the saddle machine with a guide.

It is established that duration of the fork lifting from the depth of planting the tooth to a predetermined height varies depending on the rigidity of the spring of the plunger and the speed of movement of the chain conveyor, since the roller of the plunger stem is kinematically connected to the guide, whose surface it moves during vertical movement of the force of the fork of the specified spring.

It is theoretically proved that a change in the speed of the fork movement in the vertical direction upwards during the interaction of the roller with the guide has the same regularity and is described by curves that depend on the rigidity of the springs of the plunger and the mechanism of control of the fork fingers.


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How to Cite

Semen Я. (2023). Investigation of parameters of «fork – guide» system of a garlic saddle. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (24), 39–44.

