On calculation of the temperature of raw material self-heating in cylindrical tanks


  • Vasyl Olshanskyi State Biotechnological University
  • Sergey Kharchenko State Biotechnological University
  • M. Slipchenko State Biotechnological University
  • Stepan Kovalyshyn Lviv National Agrarian University
  • M. Mazurak Lviv National Agrarian University




cylindrical tanks, self-heating core, temperature field, Fourier-Bessel series, identification of cell parameters, forecast of temperature increase over time


The article considers the temperature field of organic raw materials in a cylindrical silo under presence of a rod center of self-heating of circular cross section. The analytical solution of the nonstationary thermal conductivity problem is expressed by the Fourier-Bessel series, with different variants of distribution of the thermal sources in the self-heating center. It is shown that a uniform distribution (homogeneous cell) gives the fastest increase in temperature. The convergence of the series describing the temperature field is analyzed. The convergence has been found to improve over time, but it is very slow at the beginning of the self-heating process. A method for accelerating the convergence of the solutions of the problem for individual variants of the thermal sources distribution is proposed. Graphs are constructed to identify radius of the cell and further determine the intensity of heat sources in it, with three options for their distribution. Identification is based on experimental measurement of the temperature increase in the center of the cell for the selected time. It limits the method possibilities, because at large cell sizes, the increase in temperature in its center becomes linear, as in an unlimited body with a uniform distribution of thermal sources. Therefore, the constructed graphs lose the separability of large cell sizes. Examples of identification using graphs are given. The research describes a possibility to make an estimated forecast of development of the self-heating temperature after conducted identification. The ontained analytical solution of non-stationary problems of heat conductivity in combination with the experimental measuring of temperature in the self-heating center provides for determination of the parameters of the internally located temperature self-projection.


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How to Cite

Olshanskyi В. ., Kharchenko С. ., Slipchenko М. ., Kovalyshyn С. ., & Mazurak М. (2021). On calculation of the temperature of raw material self-heating in cylindrical tanks. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (25), 21–27. https://doi.org/10.31734/agroengineering2021.25.021

