Mobility and controllability of off-road vehicle movement: formation of a regulatory framework


  • T. Krainyk Lviv National Environmental University


cars, off-road, suspension and steering kinematics, mobility, controllability, regulatory requirements


A review and analysis of the methods and regulatory frameworks used by advanced countries concerning the requirements and evaluation of vehicle mobility – specifically maximum movement speeds and controllability - has been conducted. This assessment primarily focuses on military vehicles (MVs), while vehicles used in agriculture and forestry, such as dump trucks and timber trucks, are often modified forms of these all-wheel-drive MVs. One critical requirement in this field is compliance with agroecological standards, particularly regarding the permissible pressure exerted by tires on the soil, depending on agroecological conditions. Variations in the heights of off-road obstacles create specific demands for the suspension systems and steering kinematics, thereby affecting the controllability and stability of the vehicles. The greater amplitudes of suspension movement encountered off-road require the development of corresponding kinematics in the steering system, particularly under maximum alignment conditions. High-speed driving on unpaved surfaces is constrained by acceptable vibration loads on the driver, which differ significantly from those experienced on paved roads.

This study also developed a method for experimentally evaluating the mobility of off-road vehicles, along with proposals for establishing a national regulatory framework that aligns with the UN/ECE rules for the certification of vehicles intended for operation on paved roads.


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How to Cite

Krainyk Т. (2025). Mobility and controllability of off-road vehicle movement: formation of a regulatory framework. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (28), 83–89. Retrieved from

