



e-commerce, electronic business, internet network, online stores, marketplaces, website, income, expenses, financial results


The article explores the development of electronic commerce and its accounting and analytical support. It discusses the essence and unique features of e-commerce as a new business format in today's digital society. The article establishes the position of e-commerce in the digital economy as an effective business model that provides enterprises with competitive advantages. This includes reducing interaction costs, expanding markets and areas of activity, entering and identifying new sales channels in existing markets, attracting new customers, improving service for existing ones, and achieving greater mobility and efficiency in management decisions within a unified communication system. The article also identifies the main marketplaces for the expansion of e-commerce at national and international levels.

The article primarily focuses on examining the unique aspects of internet trading in the e-business sector as a subject of accounting. It outlines the process of calculating the expenses involved in establishing a virtual business through setting up and running a company website. The article also explains the methods of accounting for income, expenses, and financial outcomes of businesses engaged in traditional and electronic trading. It proposes an accounting system for monitoring income, expenses, and financial outcomes tailored to the specific industry of the enterprise. Additionally, the article presents an algorithm for handling online trading, managing payments with customers, calculating income, and determining financial outcomes. It also discusses various methods of payment for goods, services, and corresponding accounts, as well as potential approaches to recording the delivery of goods in e-commerce and displaying economic transactions in accounting.

The research indicates that the Internet trading market in Ukraine is predominantly dominated by companies utilizing business models such as online stores, bulletin boards, marketplaces, and price aggregators. An analysis was carried out on the potential for automating accounting procedures with specialized software that integrates with online sales platforms and payment systems. This integration allows for a substantial streamlining and optimization of enterprise operations.


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How to Cite

Matskiv Г., Raiter Н., & Tomashevskyi Ю. (2024). E-COMMERCE OF BUSINESS ENTITIES: ACCOUNTING AND ANALYTICAL ASPECT. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series "AIC Economics", (31), 74–79. https://doi.org/10.31734/economics2024.31.010

