


symbiosis of conceptual and adaptive architecture methods, revitalization and adaptation of historical heritage sites to modern needs, conceptual architecture, adaptive architecture


Symbiosis is a term that has several meanings. Symbiosis is a Greek word that can mean: 1. a form of coexistence of organisms of different species; 2. a successful combination of different elements. The term symbiosis is of interest in terms of the synthesis of art, namely the form of mutually beneficial coexistence (combination) of conceptual and adaptive architecture methods in the revitalization of historical heritage sites.

Conceptual architecture as a type of creative activity is based on ideas or concepts. Concept (Latin. Conceptio – understanding) - a system of views; a single, defining idea.

Adaptive architecture adapts its form, design, and function to modern needs and operational requirements.

During the implementation of projects aimed at revitalizing Eastern European heritage monuments, the working groups of the LNEU have developed seven projects in 2023 under the Grant Agreement for the project titled "Application of the Principles of Adaptive Architecture in the Revitalization of Abandoned Architectural Monuments of Common Eastern European Heritage" (No. 101084975 – Revitalization – ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH) as part of the EU Erasmus+ program. In the course of this work, the authors identified a key insight: the final outcome of these efforts - namely, the adaptation of historical buildings or complexes to meet modern needs, as well as the harmonious integration of restored architectural environments with their surrounding spaces—largely depends on the effective combination (or symbiosis) of conceptual and adaptive architecture methods in design practice.

To study and research this phenomenon, the authors applied the method of analyzing the process of implementing projects for the revitalization and adaptation of monuments of Eastern European heritage to modern needs. They analyzed literary sources on the problems of symbiosis in architecture and art.

Under the conditions of the Grant Agreement, for a more thorough study of the problems of the revitalization of monuments of Eastern European heritage, the Department of Architecture of the LNEU introduced disciplines for students of the specialty 191 "Architecture and Urban Planning" Bachelor's Degree: "Adaptive Architecture in the Design of Eco-Settlements" and Master's Degree: "Adaptive Architecture in the Revitalization of Architectural Monuments". When performing graphic works and course projects, students of the LNEU were proposed to apply the principle of a symbiosis of the methods of conceptual and adaptive architecture.

At the initial stage of the project implementation for the revitalization of historical heritage sites, it is important to develop a concept for solving the set task, to choose the correct approach. The next stage involves work on the architectural and spatial transformation of the form, changing the design and functional purpose to meet the modern needs and operational requirements of the building or a historical monument complex. This process involves the use of methods and principles of adaptive architecture. The harmonious combination (symbiosis) of these two components contributes to the effective and scientifically justified achievement of the goal - the revitalization of a historical heritage site.

The research results can be applied in the educational practice of architectural design by students-architects and used by architects in the implementation of projects for the revitalization and adaptation to modern needs of objects of architectural and historical heritage.


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How to Cite

Stepaniuk А., Kiuntsli Р., & Besaha І. (2024). SYMBIOSIS OF CONCEPTUAL AND ADAPTIVE ARCHITECTURE IN THE REVITALIZATION OF HISTORICAL HERITAGE SITES. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Architecture and Construction, (25), 119–128.

