Analytical study of the Pöttinger Terrasem C6 sowing complex operation in conditions of Sumy region


  • O. Tatsenko Sumy National Agrarian University



direct sowing, Pöttinger Terrasem C6, New Holland T8.39, completing, operation modes, operation indicators


A scientific analytical study of changes in the operation indicators of the Pöttinger Terrasem C6 seeding complex for direct sowing of winter rye in the conditions of Sumy region along with rational and efficient use of resources was conducted. The process of the analytical study of changes of the operation indicators of the Pöttinger Terrasem C6 sowing complex was carried out by selecting the most rational and effective composition and operating modes of the machine unit for direct sowing winter rye in the conditions of Sumy region.

A comprehensive general assessment of the operational properties of the machine aggregate makes it possible to select only rational aggregate for the given production conditions from a set possible options of technical means. At the same time, it is important to ensure the appropriate agreement of the individual parameters of the aggregate components (tractor, working machine, etc.), as well as the compliance of the properties of machine aggregate with agrotechnical requirements and production conditions.

For a well-known working agricultural machine, it is advisable to choose an energy aggregate (tractor) that provides the value maximum productivity of machine aggregate with minimal energy costs for carrying out a technological operation.

On the basis of analytical calculations and their results regarding the substantiation of the operation modes and indicators of the seeding machine aggregate for direct sowing winter rye as a part of the energy aggregate (tractor) New Holland T8.390 and the sowing complex for direct sowing (sowing machine) Pöttinger Terrasem C6 for the conditions of Sumy region, the author makes conclusion, that under the minimum possible values of operation indicators and production conditions during the direct sowing winter rye, the calculated and recommended operating speed will be 18.09 km/h, and under the maximum possible values of the operation indicators and production conditions during the direct sowing winter rye – 12.24 km/h.


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How to Cite

Tatsenko О. . (2023). Analytical study of the Pöttinger Terrasem C6 sowing complex operation in conditions of Sumy region. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (26), 53–63.

