Methodological principles for determining the efficiency of using equipment during tillage, application of fertilizers and sowing of spring crops by energy indicator


  • V. Dnes National Scientific Center «Institute for Agriculture Engineering and Electrification»
  • R. Kudrynetskyi National Scientific Center «Institute for Agriculture Engineering and Electrification»
  • V. Skibchyk National Scientific Center «Institute for Agriculture Engineering and Electrification»



technological system, tillage, fertilizer application, sowing, spring crops, system approach, energy index


The article presents methodological principles for determining the efficiency of technical means in accordance with agricultural requirements, the amount of mechanized work and conditions of use in the processes of tillage, fertilization and sowing of spring crops by energy indicator. In accordance with the methodology of the system approach, technological systems of tillage, fertilization and sowing of spring crops are analyzed and indicators reflecting the input impact, parameters of technical equipment, the impact of agrometeorological conditions and the efficiency of its operation are identified.

For each of those systems there is a appropriate set of indicators that reflect the flow of requirements and effect the process efficiency. The influence of agrometeorological conditions on technological systems of tillage, fertilizer application and sowing of spring crops is determined and some factors by of its manifestation are singled out.

According to the peculiarities of technological systems, tillage, fertilization and sowing of spring crops and the current level of technical equipment, possible ways performing these processes are outlined: sequential execution – each operation is performed alternately by a separate unit, parallel – simultaneous execution of two or more operations by one unit, combined – some operations performed in parallel and some are sequential. For each of the methods, the nature of transformation of their respective parameters is also established.

The peculiarities of transformation of characteristics of the input influences, parameters of technical equipment, influences of agrometeorological conditions and indicators of functioning of technological systems of tillage, introduction of fertilizers and sowing of spring field crops depending on ways of combination of these systems are determined.


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How to Cite

Dnes В., Kudrynetskyi Р., & Skibchyk В. (2023). Methodological principles for determining the efficiency of using equipment during tillage, application of fertilizers and sowing of spring crops by energy indicator. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (24), 77–82.

