Justification of the influence of the roller on the process of compaction of the combined method of field cultivation after harvesting corn


  • M. Korchak Higher Educational Institution «Podillia State University»
  • A. Rud Higher Educational Institution «Podillia State University»
  • S. Hrushetskyi Higher Educational Institution «Podillia State University»
  • S. Zamoiskyi Higher Educational Institution «Podillia State University»


roller, plant residues of corn, theoretical justification, influence on the process of compaction, soil


With the proposed combined method of cultivating fields with corn plant residues, several processes are carried out in sequence, namely cutting long and coarse plant residues, distributing them in rows, compacting the materials, crushing the compacted plant-earth mass, and leveling the treated soil surface. Each step is designed to improve the effectiveness of the subsequent processes.

The proposed combined method suggests that after harvesting corn rollers perform a crucial technological function - compacting the cut and rolled stalks along the cultivation lanes. This step ensures a more efficient flow of the subsequent processes in the proposed method.

Theoretical studies were conducted to examine how the roller impacts the compaction of cut and rolled corn plant residues along the cultivation strips. These studies helped establish the roller's main technological parameters based on experimental data regarding field clogging with corn plant residues.

The key technological parameters of the roller include a diameter (Dk) of 0.20 to 0.24 meters and a width (Bk) of 0.20 to 0.25 meters.

A theoretically justified roller has been incorporated into the design of a combined shredder for corn plant residues. Further research is needed to optimize the compaction of stem residues and rollers that are used in combined tillage units for soil cultivation following corn harvest.


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How to Cite

Korchak М., Rud А., Hrushetskyi С., & Zamoiskyi С. (2025). Justification of the influence of the roller on the process of compaction of the combined method of field cultivation after harvesting corn. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (28), 42–47. Retrieved from https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agroengineering/article/view/375

