Modeling of transient electromagnetic processes in a power transmission line in the short-circuit and non-operation modes


  • Віталій Левонюк Lviv National Environmental University



transient electromagnetic processes, long line, mathematical model, Hamilton – Ostrogradsky principle, variation approaches


The article analyzes scientific publications related to mathematical modeling of transient electromagnetic processes in long power lines. The analysis shows that today there are no uniformly accepted approaches to the study of the mentioned processes, however, there is a large number of methods and means for their reproduction, which are based on simplified approaches. In particular, researchers use surrogate electrical circuits, while losing the very essence of physical processes, and also use the equation of a long line without taking into account the active resistances and conductances of the line, which can lead to inaccurate results.

Based on the theory of the electromagnetic field and variation approaches, with the use of the modified Hamilton-Ostrogradsky principle, a mathematical model of the electrotechnical energy transmission system, which consists of a power transformer and a long ultra-high voltage power transmission line considered in symmetrical modes, is built. It is proposed to use boundary conditions of the second kind (Neumann conditions) to solve the differential equation of a long line with partial derivatives. The search for voltages in fictitious nodes at the beginning and end of the power transmission line for the short-circuit mode and non-operational course of the line was carried out. On the basis of the developed mathematical model, a program code was written in the algorithmic Visual Fortran programming language was used to analyze the transient electromagnetic processes during the switching on of the line in the mode of idle operation and remote short circuit at the end of the power line. The results of the computer simulation of transient electromagnetic processes are presented in the form of drawings that are analyzed.


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How to Cite

Левонюк, В. (2023). Modeling of transient electromagnetic processes in a power transmission line in the short-circuit and non-operation modes. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (26), 94–100.

