Rationale for using a car fuel tank air filter


  • O. Myronyuk Lviv National Environmental University
  • V. Shevchuk Lviv National Environmental University
  • R. Paslavskyi Lviv National Environmental University
  • O. Sukach Lviv National Environmental University




air purification filter, fuel tank, hydrophobic partition, filter partition regeneration


The importance of diesel fuel purification from mechanical pollution and water in fuel supply systems of cars diesel engines used in the conditions of agricultural production is substantiated. It is established that various methods are used to remove contaminants, which are caused by chemical, physical-chemical and physical processes. Physical methods are most often used to clean and dehydrate fuel, using filter porous partitions. The advantages and disadvantages of hydrophilic and hydrophobic filter materials are established. The emphasis is placed on the prospects of using hydrophobic materials with ensuring their continuous or periodic regeneration. One way to reduce fuel pollution in diesel engine supply systems is to prevent them from entering the fuel tank. Different ways of solving this problem are analyzed. Contamination enters the tank during fuel consumption, during refueling, as well as during small breaths of tanks from the atmosphere. The location of fuel tanks is justified for technological reasons of fuel supply, but in terms of air pollution, they are located in the zone of greatest dust. The theoretical analysis of the mechanical impurities accumulation processes in the cars tanks, taking into account operational and design factors showed that minimization of fuel pollution in the cars tanks can be achieved by using devices that prevent contaminants in fuel tanks. It is established that the use of a technical device to prevent contaminants from entering the fuel tank with an efficiency of 0.65 is equivalent to the use of a fine fuel filter with a nominal 95% fineness of cleaning d0.95 = 2.9 μm. Such device may be the filter for cleaning the air entering the fuel tank with using a hydrophobic filter partition, the regeneration of which occurs from the vibrational vibrations of the internal combustion engine. The filter is fixed on the fuel tank by means of the spring, the stiffness of which is chosen from the resonance condition. The cleaning system, which includes both tank protection and filtration, will allow to obtain high quality cleaning and efficiency of the cleaning system itself, which is determined by the filtration costs, which in turn depend on the resource of changing filter elements and the amount of contaminants circulating in the fuel system.


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How to Cite

Myronyuk О. ., Shevchuk В. ., Paslavskyi Р. ., & Sukach О. . (2023). Rationale for using a car fuel tank air filter. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (26), 140–148. https://doi.org/10.31734/agroengineering2022.26.140