Using SolidWorks Flow Simulation for modeling the geometric shapes of car body parts


  • I. Stukalets Lviv National Agrarian University
  • S. Korobka Lviv National Agrarian University
  • R. Tsonynets Lviv National Agrarian University



geometric modeling, spoiler, car, aerodynamics, SolidWorks Flow Simulation


The paper proposes a modern approach to modeling the geometric shape of the upper spoiler-fairing of the truck cab based on the results of simulation of the truck with the determination of the drag coefficient in order to reduce the drag coefficient.

The analysis of car dynamics and scientific works on vehicle aerodynamics, as well as modern methods of aerodynamic research of cars and technologies of production of body and trailer elements of car bodies allowed determining the approaches to modeling geometric shapes of vehicle body elements on the example of upper truck spoiler.

Truck spoilers of various geometric shapes are modeled in the SolidWorks CAD system using surface and solid modeling. Simulation of car movement in the environment of the module of hydrodynamic research SolidWorks Flow Simulation was carried out. It helped to mark the trajectories of air flow during the car movement. Based on the obtained trajectories of the air flow around the car, the contours and guides in different projections and sections are determined, followed by their use for geometric modeling of the shape of the cab spoiler of complex geometric shape. On the basis of the conducted researches, the value of force of the air resistance on surfaces of the car is established, the diagrams of speeds of the air movement and its trajectories are constructed; the value of the drag coefficient for each of the options for using spoilers of different geometric shapes is calculated. The geometric shape of the spoiler, which provides the best results with the minimum value of the drag coefficient, is determined and modeled.


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How to Cite

Stukalets І., Korobka С., & Tsonynets Р. . (2021). Using SolidWorks Flow Simulation for modeling the geometric shapes of car body parts. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (25), 127–142.

