
  • Yu. Hrytsay Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University



screw conveyer, spiral coil, directing pipe, angulator, equalization of motion, single normal, vector


Screw conveyors are used in various sectors of the national economy - heavy industry, construction, agricultural production, etc. They are intended for the transfer of various bulk and artificial materials. In the agrarian sector, as a rule, screw conveyors are used. They are intended for moving in the horizontal, sloping and vertical directions of products of agrarian production, for example, root crops, potatoes, grains, fodder mixtures, mineral and organic fertilizers, etc. On the basis of their design features, they can simultaneously perform adjacent operations and functions - mixing products, dispensing materials, separating impurities, etc. In the general pattern of production of goods of stock-raising to 50.70 % all charges are on preparation part of forage. These charges can be substantially decreased, if production, or processing of products on fodder to conduct not in the specialized plants, but directly in economic enterprises, using here own raw material and minimizing transport charges. Development of high-efficiency technological processes of the simultaneous growing and moving shallow, both single cobbed and requires the friable products of agar production the integrated scientific going near the decision of technical task of increase of technological indexes of work and expansion of technological possibilities of the screw conveyers-grinding down. A research aim is an increase (expansion) of technological possibilities of screw conveyers by development of the combined working organs that provide the simultaneous growing and moving of root crops shallow in the process of their preparation and processing on rich fodders. The basic tasks of researches, that provide realization of the set forth aim, are grounds of parameters of the combined working organ of the screw conveyer-grinding down. On the basis of analysis of the existent generalized flow diagram of operations of processing of root crops on fodder to the animals by us a scientific hypothesis was pulled out about possibility of combination two contiguous technological operations that is executed by separate mechanisms (growing of root crops and transporting of the ground up parts of root crops shallow to the mixers-steamers by a conveyer belt) in one continuous (incorporated) technological operation of the simultaneous "growing + of transporting" shallow. This united technological operation one spiral hardware - screw conveyer can realize with the combined working organ.

The got analytical values of force of reaction of working surface of spiral coil and force of reaction of working surface of directing pipe of screw conveyer and equalization of motion of parts of the ground up root crops are basis for further realization of analytical calculations with the aim of ground and optimization of basic structurally-kinematics parameters and modes of operations of working organs of conveyer-grinding down.


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How to Cite

Hrytsay Ю. (2018). MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF PROCESS OF MOVING OF THE GROUND UP ROOT CROPS SCREW CONVEYER-GRINDING. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (22), 161–171.

