
  • M. Pankiv Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
  • M. Pidhursky Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
  • V. Baranovsky Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University



root crop, impurity, digger, purifier, algorithm, structural link, operator, transfer function


A modern feature of the general trend in the process of harvesting roots is the large-scale application of single-phase self propelled bunker combines. They are constructed according to the modular scheme and combine the successive phases of harvesting (cutting the wicker, trimming the remnants of the stick from the heads, digging the root crops, cleaning the excavated rootstock from the impurities, unloading the root crops) into one successive technological operation, that is, implementing the principle of single-phase harvesting of root crops. The basis of solving the scientific and technical problem of increasing the agrotechnological performance indicators of machines for harvesting root crops is the hypothesis of the possible improvement of the digestion and purification of root crops by intensifying the technological process of separating soil and vegetal impurities from root crops by the working bodies of the modules of transport and technological systems. The purpose of the study is the further development of methods and methodology for the development and optimization of parameters and modes of work of the working bodies of modules of transport and technological systems of machines for harvesting root crops. On the basis of identification of existing types of diggers and root crop cleaners from impurities, the main ways and principles of developing modules for transport and technological systems for corncrapers are proposed. The results of scientific researches, which characterize the methodological and constructive and technological principles of the sequence of development of modules of transport-technological systems of single-phase machines, are presented. On the basis of the analysis of the technological processes of digestion and purification of root crops from impurities a structural model was developed and an algorithm for the development of the module for the digestion and purification of root crops from impurities was proposed. Based on the application of Laplace transformations, deterministic mathematical models are developed that describe the intensification of the separation process of impurities from root crops by the working bodies of the modules of transport and technological systems of the coronet-cutting machine. On the basis of the quantitative mass calculation of input and output flows, which is regulated by the obtained deterministic models, in the future it is possible to substantiate and optimize the structural and kinematic parameters of the working bodies of the modules of the transport and technological systems of machines for harvesting roots depending on their working conditions and to forecast the necessary agronomic indicators.


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How to Cite

Pankiv М., Pidhursky М., & Baranovsky В. (2018). TECHNOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT MODULES OF TRANSPORT-TECHNOLOGICAL SYSTEMS MACHINES FOR CLEANING OF CORPS. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (22), 65–76.

