Feasibility substantiation of the expediency of creating an energy-technological unit based on a combine harvester


  • M. Aneliak National Scientific Center «Institute for Agriculture Engineering and Electrification»
  • A. Kuzmych National Scientific Center «Institute for Agriculture Engineering and Electrification»
  • O. Hrytsaka National Scientific Center «Institute for Agriculture Engineering and Electrification»
  • I. Popadyuk National Scientific Center «Institute for Agriculture Engineering and Electrification»




combine harvester, efficiency, energy-technological unit


One of the ways to reduce the total costs of grain production is to reduce the costs of agricultural machinery fleet, in particular by using a combine harvester as an energy-technological unit and performing a set of works that are not typical for a harvesting machine. The paper indicates the main provisions on the use of a self-propelled combine harvester as an energy-technological unit, investigates the possibility of loading it on other agricultural work during the high seasons of spring and autumn.

An economic assessment of the use of a combine harvester instead of a tractor as an energy unit for performing agricultural work during peak periods of operation of tractors and grain harvesters free from work has been carried out. The cost of the work was done by imposing a conditional farm on the volume of work.

For economic assessment of the feasibility of creating an energy facility based on a grain harvester, an agricultural enterprise of the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine, specializing in commercial grain production, was considered.

To calculate the technical and economic indicators of operation of the energy-technological unit based on a tractor and a combine harvester, the authors of the research selected technological operations, performed by the tractors of a traction class 30 kN and combine harvesters, from the technological maps of growing and harvesting agricultural crops. On their basis, ten-day schedules for loading tractors and combines per 1,000 hectares of arable land have been built.

Bye using one combine harvester as an energy unit in the spring and autumn periods of field work per 1,000 ha of arable land, it is possible to reduce the need for tractors of traction class 30 kN by 1 unit.

It is established that the use of a combine harvester as an energy-technological unit will increase its annual load 1.5–2 times and allow to obtain an annual economic effect in the range of 70–100 UAH per hectare.


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How to Cite

Aneliak М. ., Kuzmych А. ., Hrytsaka О. ., & Popadyuk І. . (2021). Feasibility substantiation of the expediency of creating an energy-technological unit based on a combine harvester. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (25), 99–106. https://doi.org/10.31734/agroengineering2021.25.099

