
  • П. Аулін Central Ukrainian National Technical University
  • A. Pankov Central Ukrainian National Technical University
  • A. Shcheglov Central Ukrainian National Technical University



sowing, sowing device, metering system, automation, fluidics, discreteness, speed, efficiency


The current level of development of mechanized processes in agriculture requires the search for new opportunities to improve the profitability of crop production and the efficiency of the use of sowing equipment. Therefore, to improve the quality of work, reduce energy and material consumption of sowing machines, as well as their modernization, it is necessary to use new technical and technological solutions based on modern achievements of science and technology. Analysis of existing designs of sowing machines for dotted sowing shows that they are complex, have insufficient quality of sowing, as well as increased costs of materials and energy for the implementation of the working process. Recently, in the field of sowing row crops, there is a tendency to increase productivity by increasing the operating speeds of seeders more than 12 km/h, which is realized by using individual electric drives in them, in particular for sowing machines.

It is established that new opportunities in the creation of reliable, easy to maintain and inexpensive devices for mechanization and automation of production processes, including for dotted sowing, as well as the construction of automatic control systems in agriculture, appeared with the use of the element base of jet pneumatic automation (fluidics). In the

presented studies, the application of elements of air-jet technology in the development of sowing devices for dotted sowing is considered.

Laboratory and production tests of the developed devices showed high quality of seed distribution during sowing (accuracy of intervals in the developed and serial devices, respectively, is: for beet seeds – 100 and 83%, for sunflower seeds – 100 and 85 %). During the research in the developed apparatus, in contrast to the serial, there was no damage to the seed material, which increases the germination of seeds. Sowing is stable, while the uneven formation of the output flow on the machines and between the machines was not more than 2 % for the developed and 3 % for serial machines, which corresponds to the agrotechnical requirements for the operation of seeders dotted sowing.

The proposed design and layout schemes of sowing machines with elements of fluidics and their technical implementation determine the optimal solutions for high-speed dotted sowing, as well as the differentiated distribution of sowing material over the field area in the information systems of agriculture, subject to indicators of reliability and compliance with agrotechnical requirements.


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How to Cite

Аулін, П., Pankov А., & Shcheglov А. (2023). THE RESEARCH OF JET PNEUMATIC SOWING DEVICES OF DISCRETE ACTION FOR RAPID SOWING IN THE INFORMATION SYSTEM OF AGRICULTURE. Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (22), 31–40.

