System model of the digital transformation of rural territorial communities based on computational intelligence


  • A. Tryhuba Lviv National Environmental University
  • N. Koval Lviv State University of Life Safety
  • I. Tryhuba Lviv National Environmental University
  • R. Padiuka Lviv National Environmental University
  • O. Boiarchuk Lviv National Environmental University



digital transformation, rural communities, computational intelligence, model


The article gives analysis of rural community activity. Scientific works devoted to digital transformation in various spheres of human activity are analyzed. The need to develop tools for solving problems of digital transformation of rural communities with the use of computational intelligence is substantiated. Twelve types of problems related to the development of rural communities on the basis of their digital transformation with the use of computational intelligence have been formulated. The ways to solve problems, which will ensure both the development of rural communities and individual processes that are implemented in them, are proposed. A system model of digital transformation of the process of procurement of food raw materials on the territory of rural communities with the use of computational intelligence is proposed. It provides for the implementation of seven levels of digital transformation of rural communities. Separate levels form four sub-cycles of digital transformation of rural communities. Each sub-cycle of digital transformation of rural communities provides the desired result and increases the efficiency of this process. A mathematical description of the complete cycle of digital transformation of the process of procurement of food raw materials in rural areas is done by using computational intelligence. The results of implementation of the subcycles of digital transformation of rural communities are defined. They form the basis of the required levels of digital transformation for each individual rural community, taking into account their capabilities. The proposed system model of digital transformation of the process of procurement of food raw materials is the basis for the development of tools to support management decisions in planning the processes of procurement of food raw materials in rural communities using computational intelligence. Further research should be conducted in the direction of developing tools for planning the process of procurement of food raw materials in rural communities using computational intelligence. The expediency of formulating tasks related to the development of rural communities on the basis of digital transformation with the use of computational intelligence is substantiated.


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How to Cite

Tryhuba А. ., Koval Н. ., Tryhuba І. ., Padiuka Р. ., & Boiarchuk О. . (2023). System model of the digital transformation of rural territorial communities based on computational intelligence . Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agroengineering Research, (26), 177–184.

