Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Architecture and Construction 2025-01-23T00:00:00+02:00 Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Bulletin of </strong><strong>Lviv National Environmental University</strong><strong>. </strong><strong>S</strong><strong>eries "Architecture and Construction" (ISSN 2786-6815) is included in category B in the </strong><strong>List of Scientific Professional Publications of Ukraine (Decrees of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of </strong><strong>09.02.2021 </strong><strong>№</strong><strong> 157 and <em>23.12.2022 №1166</em>).</strong></p> <p>The scientific edition is included in the following international scientometric databases and catalogues of scientific editions</p> <ul> <li>Index Copernicus, ICV 2021 – 76.61</li> <li>Google Scholar</li> <li>National Library of Ukraine named after V.I.Vernadsky</li> </ul> CALCULATION OF THE TEMPERATURE FIELD OF METAL CORRUGATED STRUCTURES OF TRANSPORT FACILITIES WITH CONSIDERATION OF HEAT FLOWS 2024-12-20T12:06:01+02:00 Y. Luchko V. Коvalchuk <p>A typical transport structure - a small bridge constructed from corrugated metal - serves as the subject for research on temperature distribution. To assess the heat flows affecting prefabricated metal corrugated structures in operational conditions, the research authors conducted multivariate temperature measurements on the surfaces of the metal sheets at different times throughout the year and times of day. These temperature measurements were taken using a thermal imager on a transport facility located on the bypass road of Olesko in Lviv region. The results from the experimental study indicate the temperature distribution on the surface of a metal corrugated sheet under both positive and negative ambient temperatures. The study quantified the heat flows impacting the transport structure made from these metal corrugated sheets in relation to the surrounding environmental temperatures. The research findings revealed that the heat flow absorbed by the metal corrugated structure is unevenly distributed across its surface. Notably, at the "steel-coating" interface, there is a significant difference in heat flow, which could potentially cause damage to the zinc coating. Observations showed that when a zinc coating of 80 microns thickness is applied, variations in the temperature field distribution occur compared to an uncoated surface. The maximum heat flow recorded without the coating was 495.8 W/m², while with the coating applied, it increased to 538.1&nbsp;W/m². The practical significance of this research lies in the potential application of the measured heat flow values by engineering professionals during the design of transport facilities made from metal corrugated structures, taking into account the effects of thermal loads.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 INVESTIGATION OF THE STRESS-STRAIN STATE OF CYLINDRICAL ELEMENTS OF ENGINEERING STRUCTURES UNDER THE TEMPERATURE INFLUENCES 2024-12-20T12:10:45+02:00 B. Hlova T. Hlova <p>The active development of monolithic frame construction in recent times necessitates a new approach to calculating the elements of building structures. Concrete columns are one of the most critical components of these buildings, and any compromise in their strength can pose significant risks. When it comes to fire conditions, the primary destructive factor affecting the structure is temperature and its gradient. The extent of heating in structures and the size of the temperature gradient through their thickness is influenced by various factors, including the temperature of combustion products, heat exchange conditions between the surface of the structure and the external environment, the thermophysical characteristics of the materials used, and the duration of heating. To accurately assess the load-bearing capacity and integrity of concrete columns, it is essential to consider the thermal stress state caused by temperature changes and the magnitude of the temperature gradient. Temperature-induced stresses in structures can be analyzed separately from mechanical stresses. This is because, due to the linearity of the equations of thermoelasticity, the total stress values are obtained by combining both temperature and mechanical stresses. The study focused on the non-stationary temperature field in cylindrical concrete columns, specifically during sudden cooling over time. In modeling the column cooling process, boundary conditions of the second kind were taken into account. Analytical expressions for examining the temperature field were derived using the Laplace transformation. The findings showed that the stress-strain state of the column is influenced by this non-stationary temperature field. Results from the research were presented graphically. An analysis was conducted on how temperature stresses vary across the column's thickness in relation to the thermophysical and mechanical properties of concrete. Graphical representations of radial, tangential, and axial stresses based on the radius and the temperature field's impact on concrete columns were produced.</p> <p>Radial stresses in concrete columns are consistently compressive at all points, becoming zero at the outer surface. The maximum radial stress values are found at the center of the column and tend to increase over time.</p> <p>In contrast, axial and tangential temperature stresses reach their maximum absolute values at the outer surface of the column, where they act in tension. This tension can lead to cracks or other forms of damage on the outer surface of the column.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 SEISMIC PROTECTION OF LOW-RISE LARGE-PANEL AND MODULAR FRAME BUILDINGS FROM POWERFUL EARTHQUAKES 2024-12-20T12:35:44+02:00 M. Marienkov K. Babik M. Lysytsia V. Khymenko <p>During the period of 2022–2024, many residential buildings were destroyed during shelling and bombing in Ukraine. Therefore, providing housing for the affected residents is an urgent problem. Solving this problem in a short period is possible due to the construction of prefabricated low-rise and modular houses. Ensuring the seismic resistance of buildings during construction in highly seismic zones (with the intensity of earthquakes of 8 and 9 points according to the seismic intensity scale) requires the installation of seismic protection. The use of prefabricated large-panel low-rise and frame modular buildings allows to ensure the construction of earthquake-resistant buildings in the shortest possible time. The production of panel and modular building structures in factory conditions increases the quality of construction and the seismic resistance of the structures. To reduce the seismic loads on low-rise buildings and the cost of construction, experimental and theoretical studies of low-rise and modular buildings with seismic isolation and dampers are needed. The results of experimental and numerical studies of a two-story real-life sample of a large-panel residential building with a seismic protection system at the foundation level and without it are considered. Numerical studies of a modular one-story house with a metal frame were also carried out, in which the reduction of seismic loads is ensured by the dynamic parameters of the modules and the use of dampers installed at the level of the covering between two factory-made modules. The seismicity of the construction site during the research was taken as 8 and 9 points on the scale of seismic intensity in accordance with the standard of Ukraine DSTU B B.1.1-28.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 3D PRINTING TECHNOLOGY FOR MONOLITHIC BEAMS WITH THE POSSIBILITY OF REINFORCING BARS 2024-12-20T21:46:26+02:00 B. Demchyna L. Vozniuk M. Surmai D. Burak S. Shcherbakov <p>The integration of 3D printing technology in construction has the potential to reduce costs and accelerate the construction and installation processes. While this technology is gaining global attention, Ukraine currently lacks regulations governing the design and construction of structures using 3D printing. Additionally, there is a limited experimental base regarding the bearing capacity and deformability of printed structures.</p> <p>This publication proposes a methodology for the production of monolithic beams reinforced with single bars using a construction 3D printer. It outlines the entire process of manufacturing, from the design phase to product fabrication and readiness for experimental research.</p> <p>To carry out the research, the design of the beams was first created using graphic software systems, which facilitated the formulation of tasks for a construction-grade 3D printer, considering the capabilities of this technology. Design and production drawings of the samples are included in this publication.</p> <p>The reinforced monolithic beams were printed using a construction 3D printer by the Ukrainian company 3D TECHNOLOGY UTU LLC, following the developed work algorithm.</p> <p>This methodology enabled the reinforcement of structures with single bars, in compliance with regulatory requirements, while allowing for future experiments.</p> <p>As a result of this work, reinforced monolithic beams were successfully printed using the developed technology. To assess the physical and mechanical characteristics of the materials, samples of cubes and prisms were printed and cast into formwork. Additionally, reinforcement samples were created from the same batch used to reinforce the beams.</p> <p>The proposed technology for producing beams with a 3D construction printer resulted in structures that adhered to previously established design solutions. The detailed sequence for printing beams allowed for effective reinforcement of monolithic beams with single bars.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 O BUDOWNICTWIE WIELKOPŁYTOWYM W POLSCE 2024-12-20T21:51:31+02:00 Yu. Sobczak-Piąstka Yu. Famulyak S. Gritsevich <p>Po II wojnie światowej Polska doświadczyła masowej migracji ludności z obszarów wiejskich do miast, co wymagało budowy nowych budynków mieszkalnych, w których ludzie ci mogliby mieszkać. Budownictwo mieszkaniowe w Polsce do około 1950 roku charakteryzowało się tradycyjnymi metodami budowy. Były to głównie budynki murowane, z których część przetrwała do dziś i nadal jest użytkowana. Ponieważ wszystkie prace wykonywano na miejscu, były one pracochłonne, a tempo prac zależało również od warunków pogodowych, na przykład prace musiały zostać wstrzymane na zimę. Rosnący popyt na mieszkania w tamtym czasie można było zaspokoić jedynie za pomocą przemysłowych systemów budowlanych. Szacuje się, że ponad 10 milionów ludzi w Polsce mieszka dziś w prefabrykowanych budynkach, które były masowo produkowane w latach 1950–1990. Wraz z rozwojem konstrukcji prefabrykowanych coraz bardziej widoczne stają się ich wady. Zarówno w Polsce, jak i na Ukrainie brakuje kompleksowych i rzetelnych badań, analiz i statystycznego opracowania danych dotyczących stanu technicznego budynków wielkopłytowych. Żaden z tych krajów nie przeprowadził kompleksowej oceny stanu technicznego budynków wielkopłytowych, a tym samym nie określił stopnia ich degradacji. Jest to szczególnie istotne, gdyż tylko na tej podstawie można opracować koncepcję i określić zakres prac związanych z przebudową lub remontem tych obiektów. W obecnej sytuacji ma to fundamentalne znaczenie dla Polski, a w szczególności dla powojennej Ukrainy, gdyż ze względów ekonomicznych nie jest możliwe zastąpienie w najbliższych dziesięcioleciach takich budynków innymi, nowszymi obiektami, jak ma to obecnie miejsce np. w Niemczech i Francji. Dlatego wszelkie działania związane z dalszym użytkowaniem budynków wielkopłytowych w Polsce muszą bezwzględnie uwzględniać określenie ich stanu techniczno-eksploatacyjnego, stopnia zużycia, trwałości, niezawodności i bezpieczeństwa. W artykule przedstawiono informacje na temat aktualnego stanu użytkowania budynków wielkopłytowych w Polsce oraz perspektyw ich dalszej eksploatacji.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 RESEARCH OF PRECAST CONCRETE FRAGMENTS OF PROTECTIVE SHELTERS 2024-12-20T21:55:49+02:00 I. Karkhut <p>This study addresses the construction of modular, quickly assembled reinforced concrete shelters of various classes. The analysis is based on a range of literary, scientific, and technical sources, as well as completed field studies and verification calculations. The author evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of a specific shelter design. The paper includes results from a visual inspection and full-scale testing of a fragment of the protective structure. It provides general information about the design solutions and the outcomes of static tests. The primary goal of the study was to assess the actual technical condition of the shelter and its reliability for its intended purpose. Static calculations established relevant parameters regarding the depth and potential collapse of the shelter to ensure protective properties that align with classes A-I to A-IV. Specific characteristics regarding reinforcement, concrete composition, and wall thickness accompany each respective class. Both visual and instrumental inspections confirmed that the structure met the required geometric dimensions and material specifications outlined in the project and regulatory documents. The test load was calculated at 0.81 of the vertical design load, with no critical damage observed to the shelter ceiling. The study also identified the maximum loads and the primary reasons necessitating design enhancements. Based on the findings from the calculations and full-scale tests, recommendations were developed to improve the reinforcement of prefabricated elements in the protective shelters. Additionally, working drawings were created for the "Varta-3" product, which features enhanced strength against radiation penetration and reduced secondary chipping resulting from blast wave impacts. These improvements were achieved by decreasing the spacing and diameter of the multi-row reinforcement in the shelter's ceiling, thus enhancing the overall concrete structure's performance.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EFFECT OF ACTIVATION OF THE CONCRETE MATRIX OF TEXTILE-REINFORCED CONCRETE ON ITS PROPERTIES 2024-12-20T21:58:42+02:00 O. Shyshkina I. Piskun <p>There is an increasing focus on replacing traditional steel reinforcement with alternative types that can create lighter structures with enhanced corrosion resistance. One promising option is the use of high-strength textile fabrics, which are made from materials such as glass or carbon fibers. Despite the clear advantages of textile-reinforced concrete structures, several factors hinder their widespread adoption. One major challenge is the significant discrepancy between the strength and deformation characteristics of the concrete matrix and the textile reinforcement. This gap prevents the full realization of the physical and mechanical properties of the reinforcing fabrics. However, modern methods aimed at enhancing the physical and mechanical properties of concrete have emerged. These methods involve using both organic and inorganic substances in ultra-low concentrations as concrete modifiers, improving the overall performance of textile-reinforced concrete. Moreover, contemporary construction emphasizes reducing energy consumption, making the use of binders like slag Portland cement more relevant. Consequently, the primary objective of this research was to investigate how activating the concrete matrix with ultra-small doses of surfactants affects the strength and deformability of textile-reinforced concrete. Concrete samples were prepared using slag Portland cement and various types of textile reinforcement sheets made from glass and carbon rovings. Hydrocarbon was employed as the activator for the concrete matrix. The research determined the relationship between the effectiveness of the activator, indicated by the strength of the concrete, and both the amount of activator used and the type of reinforcing material. The results indicated that bending strength increases with the activation of the concrete matrix for both glass fiber and carbon fiber reinforcement. Additionally, it was found that the effectiveness of the activator diminishes over time.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 STRUCTURAL GLASS DESIGN ACCORDING TO CEN/TS 19100 2024-12-20T22:01:36+02:00 T. Osadchuk B. Demchyna Yu. Famuliak N. Mykhailechko <p>The work analyzes the existing regulatory documents on the design of structural glass. Due to the absence of approved standards, some provisions of the CEN/TS 19100 technical specifications and certain parts of the draft of the future Eurocode 10 (EN 19100) are considered. CEN/TS 19100 (prEN 19100) “Design of glass structures” consists of four parts: 1)&nbsp;Basis of design and materials; 2) Design of out-of-plane loaded glass components; 3) Design of in-plane loaded glass components and their mechanical joints; 4) Glass selection relating to the risk of human injury – Guidance for specification.</p> <p>In general, the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) documents apply to the structural design of mechanically supported glass components and assemblies of glass components. They follow the principles and requirements of EN 1990 and cover the safety and serviceability of structures, the principles of their design and verification.</p> <p>CEN/TS 19100-1 (prEN 19100-1) describes the basic rules for the construction design of mechanically supported glass components. The document includes requirements for safety, load-bearing capacity, references to standards for different types of glass, glass strength and other properties. CEN/TS 19100-2 (prEN 19100-2) applies to the structural design of glass components loaded out of plane. The document includes provisions for the design of laterally loaded glass elements, calculation of laminated glass and insulating glass units. CEN/TS 19100-3 (prEN 19100-3) applies to the structural design of in-plane loaded glass components. CEN/TS 19100-4 deals with provisions relating to the risk of human injury and guidelines for glass specification.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 RESULTS OF THE TECHNICAL INSPECTION OF THE LOAD-BEARING STEEL STRUCTURES OF THE ROOF LANTERN OF THE BUILDING OF IVAN FRANKO NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LVIV 2024-12-20T22:10:34+02:00 O. Hnatiuk T. Osadchuk M. Volynets <p>A visual and instrumental inspection of the steel load-bearing structures of the roof lantern above the assembly hall was conducted to ascertain the geometric dimensions, identify main defects, and perform verification calculations of the bearing capacity due to the replacement of decorative glass following major repairs. The measurement plans and technical documentation about the replacement of the decorative glass were subjected to analysis, as were the technical conclusions derived from the inspection of the load-bearing steel structures and glazing of the roof lantern.</p> <p>The inspection revealed that the drainage system from the covering above the lantern and the integrity of the lantern's glazing had been restored after major repairs and were secure at the time of the inspection. No evidence of mechanical or corrosion damage to the glass and metal structures was identified. The protective paint layer and sealant remain intact. A verification calculation of the longest element of the metal glazing frame was performed. To achieve this, a fragment of the steel frame was calculated in the SCAD Office, taking into account the load from its weight and the weight of the glazing (which increased by 67&nbsp;%). The weight of the glass in each cell was divided into three nodes for triangular elements and into four nodes for quadrangular elements. A verification calculation of the frame contour element of the light-transmitting part of the lantern in the plane of the floor was also carried out. The results of the calculation demonstrated that the maximum forces in the steel elements of the roof lantern exceed the design loads, indicating that their bearing capacity is adequate. To maintain the lantern, roof walkways were designed in the form of beams made of two wooden bars with a cross-section of 100×150&nbsp;mm, which are recommended to be arranged along the lower belts of metal roof trusses.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE INFLUENCE OF THE REPAIR SURFACE ON THE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE CONTACT JOINTS 2024-12-20T22:15:01+02:00 A. Mazurak V. Horal T. Mazurak O. Tsap <p>Buildings and structures after long-term use of concrete and reinforced concrete need repair, restoration and strengthening. This is due to many factors, material defects, damage during operation, design errors, etc.</p> <p>The strength of the bond between old and new concrete or shotcrete during repair joints varies, and it depends on several factors, namely the age of the old and new concrete; nature of surface preparation; method of entry and hardening conditions.</p> <p>The experience of repairing and strengthening reinforced concrete structures demonstrates that shotcrete technology is effective for restoring or repairing cement and concrete surfaces. This technology allows for the mechanization of all processes, from surface preparation to the application of dense shotcrete layers, ensuring strong adhesion between the layers. The study examines factors that influence the performance of the contact seam, the repair surface, and the layer matrix. To analyze their interactions, 72 concrete samples were prepared under laboratory conditions, featuring four surface treatments: smooth (a flat surface cleaned with a wire brush), smoothly milled (milling on a flat surface), rough (notches applied to the concrete surface), and rough milled (the surface notched and then milled and cleaned with a wire brush).</p> <p>In the work, the authors experimentally evaluate the bond strength of concrete and shotcrete, having prepared the surface and installed metal clips on it. The inner space of the cage is filled with concrete or a layer of shotcrete is applied. After proper aging in normal conditions and in 28–32 days, the samples are subjected to research, tearing off the metal clip from the concrete surface. The experimental results lead to specific conclusions, particularly that milling concrete samples, whether rough or smooth, does not enhance adhesion with shotcrete.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE HISTORY OF THE EMERGENCE OF CONCRETE AS A PROGRESSIVE BUILDING MATERIAL 2024-12-20T22:20:43+02:00 L. Baranovych A. Baranovych <p>At the outset of its historical journey, humanity recognized the necessity of building strong, weather-resistant, and durable shelters to preserve health and ensure survival. Through experimentation with various natural materials at their disposal, people gained insights into the properties and characteristics of those materials under different conditions. This knowledge allowed them to combine these materials, giving rise to new and distinct building materials and structures.</p> <p>With the advent of scientific and technological advancements in the late 18th century, a more concerted effort emerged to develop a building material capable of keeping pace with the rapid growth and development of civilization. This innovative material became concrete. Although it has roots in ancient times, concrete underwent significant evolution during the era of industrialization, fueled by the dedicated efforts of various scientists who experimented with its composition to continuously enhance its characteristics. They integrated it with other materials, greatly improving its strength in both compression and tension. This led to the emergence of various types of concrete mixtures, suitable for diverse applications, ranging from construction to medicine.</p> <p>This article traces the historical development of concrete, from ancient civilizations to modern times. It briefly outlines the components and mineral additives incorporated into concrete mixtures across different periods, as well as the physical properties exhibited by concrete upon hardening. Additionally, it explores the impact of concrete on structural design, architecture, and construction solutions.</p> <p>A groundbreaking advancement occurred with the introduction of reinforced concrete at the end of the 19th century, fundamentally transforming construction principles and design approaches. This innovation enabled the construction of buildings and structures featuring large spans, considerable heights, and expansive window openings.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE RESULTS OF THE TECHNICAL INSPECTION OF THE REINFORCED CONCRETE BRIDGE ACROSS THE DESNA RIVER AT KM. 23+400 OF THE HIGHWAY IN THE CITY OF TURBIV 2024-12-20T22:31:03+02:00 S. Burchenia S. Vikhot O. Gayda <p>There are many reasons that can lead to the deterioration of the technical condition of buildings and structures. The main ones include: a change in the seismic resistance of the site as a result of the approved norms in Ukraine, an increase in the load on the load-bearing structures, physical aging of the construction materials during intensive and long-term operation, the aggressive effect of the temperature and humidity parameters of the environment on concrete and reinforcement, the occurrence of unforeseen in the project vibration loads that can lead to an emergency technical condition of structures, etc. A timely inspection and determination of the technical condition of the object as a whole will allow to determine the possibility of further operation or the need to restore structural elements, by changing calculation schemes, finding new methods for calculating the stress-strain state, forecasting the service life, applying new technological solutions and materials in the design and strengthening of buildings and structures. Assessment and forecasting of the technical condition of the bridge and its elements is determined on the basis of inspection and observation data, survey results and verification calculations. Therefore, it is extremely important not only to determine the operational condition, but also to determine the coefficient of the structural reserve.</p> <p>The article presents the results of the technical condition of the bridge as a whole and its elements in particular, built more than 55 years ago. Defects and damage that occurred during its operation were detected. As a result of the survey work, it was found that during the construction process and during long-term operation, under the influence of aggressive factors of the external environment and motor vehicles, defects and damage accumulated in individual elements of the structures over time, which reduced the operational indicators, reliability and durability of the bridge and negatively affected the safety and comfort of movement. The generalized characteristic of the state indicates that a partial violation of the requirements of the first group of boundary conditions is possible, and the requirements of the second group of boundary conditions are violated. The building is operated in a limited mode and requires special control over the state of its elements. In order to ensure the normal operation of the bridge, it is necessary to carry out major repairs of the structure with the restoration of the proper operational condition of the structure.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 APPLYING RADAR DATA TO IDENTIFY WAR ZONES ON AGRICULTURAL LAND 2024-12-23T10:00:27+02:00 R. Stupen Z. Ryzhok O. Stupen <p>The methods used for remote sensing of land involve capturing and interpreting reflected solar radiation from various surfaces, such as soil, vegetation, and water. This approach enables the monitoring of agricultural lands even in areas affected by active military operations. The goal is to utilize Earth remote sensing data to identify regions impacted by military activities. To demonstrate this, a model plot of land was selected in the village of Yahidne, part of the Bakhmut Territorial Community in Donetsk Region. Images from the Sentinel-1 mission were obtained through the Sentinel Hub EO Browser. The preprocessed images, taken on August 4, 2021, and July 4, 2024, show calibrated backscatter intensity (Sigma0) in VV polarization, and are geocoded and projected onto the WGS84 coordinate system. These images were combined into a time-lapse stack, and the SNAP change detection tool was employed to highlight areas of significant change, clearly indicating regions of agricultural damage due to warfare. This study demonstrates that utilizing radar data to assess military operation zones on agricultural lands enhances risk management and provides crucial information for informed decision-making. The images offer high accuracy and detail, regardless of weather conditions or time of day, allowing for the detection of changes in field structure, damage to infrastructure, and other consequences of military actions. As a result, radar data can effectively evaluate the extent of damage to agricultural land, track reductions in crop yields, and help determine necessary measures for restoring agriculture.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT OF INDUSTRIAL LANDS OF THE TERRITORIAL COMMUNITY 2024-12-23T10:14:29+02:00 M. Smoliarchuk O. Kovalyshyn N. Shpik R. Taratula <p>Industrial lands play a significant role in shaping Ukraine's GDP, employment, and various other aspects of the economy. However, from an environmental perspective, they are major sources of negative impacts on the environment. According to current Ukrainian legislation, industrial parks can be established and operated within industrial lands and areas designated as industrial zones in settlements.</p> <p>The present study analyzes and substantiates certain aspects of the development of industrial lands, using one of the territorial communities in Lviv region as a case study. A crucial task for further developing these lands is to determine objectives, select strategies, and implement management decisions to ensure effective future use of community territories. A key focus of this research is on the organization of industrial parks, which, under current conditions, could be a viable way to develop industrial areas within territorial communities and serve as a potential source of revenue for local budgets. However, it is important to note that current legislation provides limited guidance on the principles for selecting land plots and the specific mechanisms for allocating such lands for these purposes within the industrial areas of territorial communities.</p> <p>&nbsp;In general practice, the operation and organization of industrial parks involve five main interdependent stages. These include the initial selection of a land plot for establishing an industrial park, the development of a concept, the selection of a managing company and the conclusion of an agreement with it for the operation of the industrial park, and the final stage, which is the creation and registration of the park in the appropriate registry of the respective country. The choice of land plot is critical to achieving effective results in the future operation of an industrial park. The authors propose criteria for selecting potential sites for new industrial zones, focusing on both ecological and economic aspects in the spatial planning of settlements. These criteria should primarily consider local zoning conditions guided by urban planning documentation, including the master plan, detailed plans, and other relevant urban planning conditions of the studied territory. Specifically, factors to consider include the status of the land plot (LP), its location within the city’s industrial zone (LZ), availability of necessary utilities (NU), planning restrictions (PR), presence of transport infrastructure (TI), placement of parking facilities for the project (PP), regulatory setbacks (RS), and the terrain (TR).</p> <p>Establishing industrial parks on industrial lands within our territorial communities, including the Lviv City Territorial Community, while adhering to the proposed design requirements for land plot selection, will achieve several important objectives. These include reducing environmental and social impacts, fostering economic development, enhancing the investment attractiveness of community territories, and more.</p> <p>Industrial parks contribute to the growth of industrial zones in settlements and help achieve sustainable development goals by creating conditions for socially and environmentally responsible industrialization of the selected community territory.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MULTI-PURPOSE LAND CONSOLIDATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES IN UKRAINE 2024-12-23T10:20:54+02:00 N. Stoiko O. Cherechon <p>In Western European countries, modern land consolidation serves as a versatile tool for managing land and spatial planning to facilitate agricultural development, large-scale infrastructure construction, restoration of natural landscapes, biodiversity conservation, and climate change adaptation and mitigation. This study presents a content analysis of textual information on the multi-purpose approach to land consolidation as a land management tool. The aim is to change the ownership structure by redistributing land plots, thereby facilitating the spatial restructuring of rural land use to support the sustainable development of territorial communities in Ukraine. The authors define spatial land use restructuring as an integrated approach to reorganizing rural areas to bring about both quantitative and qualitative changes. The quantitative aspect involves changes in land use, while the qualitative aspect pertains to changes in the ecosystem assets of the community. The study explores the relationship between the sustainable development of territorial communities and the spatial restructuring of land use through land consolidation. It emphasizes the key elements of the multi-purpose land consolidation procedure and analyzes spatial problems related to rural land use in Ukraine. The proposed solutions involve preserving and restoring community ecosystem assets through the withdrawal of erosion-prone areas for conservation transformation, creating ecological networks to establish an integrated environmental infrastructure, and restoring and consolidating forest land. The authors recommend developing a National Land Consolidation Programme, which would integrate land consolidation into the overall land policy of the state. This initiative aims to provide financial, technical, and administrative support for implementing land consolidation projects.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 SATELLITE DATA PROCESSING METHODOLOGY 2024-12-23T10:25:15+02:00 Z. Ryzhok <p>It is established that remote sensing data processing is the process of performing operations on satellite images, including their correction, transformation, improvement, decoding and visualization. The main stages of space image data processing include preliminary and thematic processing, where the first one is the correction and improvement of the satellite image. The study presents the method of processing the Sentinel-1 radar satellite image channels in the SNAP program. The sequence of the space image processing procedure involves the determination of informative spectral channels of satellite images; image correction (spectral, geometric, radiometric); masking of clouds and lost data in images in specified channels, atmospheric correction; determination of local spectral features of the surface, visual decoding; semi-automatic or automatic decryption; clarification of decryption results taking into account regional features, as well as application of complex decryption rules; assessment of decoding accuracy; obtaining research results. Pre-processing of Earth remote sensing data includes geometric, radiometric, and atmospheric correction of the image, geographic reference of the image from the Copernicus Browser resource, received from the artificial satellite Sentinel-1, for the period from June 19, 2024, to July 19, 2024, for the territory of Zhovtantsi territorial community of Lviv region. Thermal noise removal was performed for the research object in the SNAP program after performing the Thermal Noise Removal step. Aligned the orbit file using the Apply Orbit File tool. SAR Simulation Terrain Correction was used to perform terrain correction. After processing a satellite image of the territory of the Zhovtantsi territorial community of Lviv region, an RGB image was created in the SNAP program to assess the territory according to the state of its use following the intended purpose of the land.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PECULIARITIES OF STATE CONTROL OVER LAND USE AND PROTECTION UNDER MARTIAL LAW IN UKRAINE 2024-12-23T10:33:29+02:00 M. Bohira <p>The article discusses the peculiarities of state control over land use and protection under martial law in Ukraine. According to Resolution No. 303 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, issued on March 13, 2022, state supervision measures are suspended under martial law. This means such measures can only be conducted based on decisions from central executive authorities when there is a threat of negative impacts on the natural environment or state security, as well as to meet Ukraine's international obligations.</p> <p>The impact of the war on land use and protection has been analyzed, revealing a need for a fundamental shift in the state's approach to protecting the land fund. It is essential to develop strategies for the post-war restoration of the land fund while safeguarding against arbitrary seizure, squandering, and degradation. Due to the suspension of measures against soil erosion and pollution, the areas of degraded land are continuously on the rise. Issues related to land use, underutilization of land resources, and ecological stress stem from inadequate land management practices and require immediate improvement. The deterioration of land can often be an irreversible process, significantly affecting food security in Ukraine.</p> <p>New approaches to address these challenges have been proposed, and authorities have begun taking action to strengthen land protection. For instance, on September 4, 2023, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine issued Order No. 1625 “On Approval of the Unified Form of an Act to be Drawn Up Based on the Results of a Scheduled (Unscheduled) State Supervision (Control) Event Concerning Compliance by a Business Entity with the Requirements of Legislation in the Field of Land Use and Protection, and Other Forms of Administrative Documents”. This order came into effect on November 27.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 LAND USAGE MONITORING UTILIZING REMOTE SENSING TOOLS 2024-12-23T10:36:59+02:00 I. Kolb P. Kolodii Ye. Ryzhov V. Urbanavičius <p>The active development of settlement infrastructure is a crucial aspect of their overall development concept. To facilitate this, visualizing changes by compiling updated plans and populating geospatial databases with relevant information is an essential part of the land management system. Following the decentralization reform in Ukraine, monitoring of recreational landscape changes is now conducted by territorial communities. Consequently, methods for monitoring the recreational land fund and populating geospatial databases require ongoing enhancement. Remote sensing methods are recognized as one of the most effective ways to obtain relevant information about land fund usage.</p> <p>This research applies remote sensing methods to monitor land usage at the municipal level in Solotvyno village, specifically focusing on recreational areas. The study investigates changes resulting from both natural and human impacts, which influence land use infrastructure and future administrative decisions.</p> <p>Solotvyno is a rural settlement located in Transcarpathian region, within the Maramures Basin on the right bank of the Tysa River. It is well-known as a local resort that operates under conditions affected by negative geological phenomena. Resort and recreational activities are conducted on plots that need constant monitoring due to potential dangers to both individuals and infrastructure.</p> <p>Research in this area frequently utilizes remotely obtained data, such as satellite and aerial images. The municipal-level research focuses on an area of 42 km² in Solotvyno, specifically using GIS QGIS based on data from the ESA WorldCover 10 m geoportal. A particular area of interest is the recreational plot located in the southern part of Kunihunda Lake, where economic activities and recreational services have commenced relatively recently.</p> <p>The purpose of this research is to develop a methodology for assessing spatial changes in the Solotvyno resort over the past two years using geoinformation models derived from satellite imagery and UAV aerial photography.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 SUBSTANTIATION OF LAND MANAGEMENT DESIGN SOLUTIONS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIES 2024-12-23T10:45:22+02:00 H. Dudych <p>The study aims to justify land-use design solutions for developing a comprehensive plan for spatial development in various territories. This plan will address economic, ecological, and social aspects to ensure sustainable development and the rational use of land resources. The research focuses on land management solutions at the level of territorial communities, highlighting the complex development of these areas as a significant scientific issue. Addressing this challenge is crucial for fostering the development of rural regions. Modern land management is a multifaceted activity that involves scientifically justifying land distribution according to its intended purpose, while considering state, public, and private interests. It also encompasses organizing rational land use and protection, regulating land and ecological relations, forming sustainable land use, and establishing a rational system of land ownership. The study outlines the information necessary for effective land management measures concerning prospective land use, which are based on developed project solutions. It also notes the conditions under which land plots may be forcibly alienated for social necessity reasons. The research demonstrates the importance of analyzing the current state of territories and proposing effective land management solutions when creating a comprehensive plan for spatial development. The resulting scheme of land management measures for prospective land use includes objects that may be subject to alienation. This approach involves several stages: analyzing the current state of the territory, determining zones for residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, and recreational activities, and considering environmental and historical-cultural aspects to facilitate effective land resource use and promote sustainable development in the territories.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MARKET MECHANISMS IN UKRAINE FOR ESTABLISHING LAND OWNERSHIP AND USE 2024-12-23T10:49:47+02:00 M. Batura <p>Market mechanisms play a key role in shaping land ownership and land use. After Ukraine became independent, the country faced the need to reform land relations, which in turn led to the creation of a complex system that regulates these relations. Ukraine is an agrarian state that has great potential in agriculture, therefore the formation of land ownership and land use is one of the key components of the agrarian policy of the state. The land reform, which began in the 1990s, aimed to transform the management of land resources from a collective form (Soviet) to a market one, that is, the development of market mechanisms, private property and efficient land use.</p> <p>In general, land ownership is the right to own a plot of land, which means the right to own a plot of land by a person or organization and have the right to dispose of it, whether it is to sell, bequeath or lease it, and land use is the right to use a plot of land, independently of whether the person or organization is the owner of the land plot.</p> <p>The land market is a crucial part of any country's economy. In Ukraine, the agricultural sector plays a vital role in driving economic growth and contributing to GDP. Therefore, establishing effective market mechanisms to regulate and allocate the country's land resources is of utmost importance.</p> <p>In 2021, Ukraine made significant progress by opening its land market; however, challenges arose regarding legislative regulation, transparency, and the efficiency of market mechanisms. This led to a need for improvements to ensure fair participation for all market players, including small farmers and large agricultural holdings.</p> <p>The long-term development of these market mechanisms holds great potential. It is expected to strengthen the country's economy, enhance efficiency in agriculture, and, importantly, improve living conditions in rural areas.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE ROLE OF THE TERRITORIAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY IN THE CREATION OF COMPREHENSIVE TERRITORIAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE ZHYDACHIV TOWN TERRITORIAL COMMUNITY OF STRYI DISTRICT, LVIV REGION) 2024-12-23T10:51:36+02:00 A. Pyrih <p>The development strategy of the Zhydachiv territorial community and its role in creating a comprehensive development plan for the territory of the Zhydachiv TTC were studied. The main provisions of the Development Strategy are reflected in the study, which is a document of strategic planning at the local level.</p> <p>The territorial community development strategy is a document of strategic planning at the local level, which defines strategic, operational goals and objectives for the sustainable development of the territorial community, developed for the period of implementation of the State Regional Development Strategy and the corresponding regional development strategy until 2027.</p> <p>The administrative-territorial structure of Zhydachiv&nbsp; TTC is reflected, an analysis of community lands is given, potential areas of implementation of the operational goal "Territory development planning" provided for by the Strategy of Zhydachiv TTC are analyzed, the main problems that are not reflected in the Development Strategy and ways to solve them are outlined.</p> <p>It is proposed to solve the problems related to the functioning of the city landfill with regard to the reduction of solid household waste, in particular by adopting the experience of France; using the lands of the Zhydachiv Pulp and Paper Plant; the functioning of the community's water bodies, in particular the main water artery - the Stryi River, and the effective use of coastal protective strips of water bodies;lack of cultural and recreational facilities; functioning of premises of institutions that are not in use; creation and functioning of the association of co-owners of apartment buildings; creation of additional tourist routes.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 HETEROCHRONY OF GAUDI'S ARCHITECTURE 2024-12-22T22:16:16+02:00 R. Kiuntsli A. Stepaniuk I. Besaha <p>Today in the scientific literature there are active discussions about the architectural style of the Sagrada Familia Cathedral. Gaudi’s architecture is often referred to as organic or bionic. The presence of the bionic style in Gaudi’s architecture is supported by the fact that the Sagrada Familia has complex shapes, which are known today as helicoids, hyperboloids and hyperbolic paraboloids. Gaudi borrows these forms from nature and bases the construction of columns, vaults and other structural elements of the temple. However, the architectural image of the Sagrada Familia was also influenced by Gaudi’s existential experiences, which were the result of many factors. First of all, it is the emotional experiences of childhood. Other important factors in shaping the image of the Sagrada Familia were Catalan modernism, which emerged at the turn of the 19<sup>th</sup> – 20<sup>th</sup> centuries in Barcelona, the influence of German Expressionism, the interaction of contemporary Gaudi architects and the influence of Goethe’s philosophy on A. Gaudi. Goethe’s organic worldview, which was based on the understanding of the world as a living monadic whole, revolutionized not only philosophy but also architecture. The fundamental principle of the Sagrada Familia is a kind of proteism, the desire for constant renewal, expressed through both the interior and exterior of the building. The transformation of living integral formations, depicted on the three facades of the Sagrada Familia, demonstrates a series of metamorphoses of pra-phenomenon (Urphanomen – germ. after Goethe) and metamorphosis of the human soul under the influence of Christ’s teachings.</p> <p>Antonio Gaudi’s architecture is special for its emotional content, which hides the author’s emotional conflicts and contradictions. Opposing one to the natural environment and emphasizing harmonious coexistence with it is an oxymoron that the author laid down in the architectural forms of the Sagrada Familia. The Church of the Holy Family can be seen as a symbiosis of advanced technology and creative expression, the skill of presenting the author’s architectural ideas and happy coincidences. The artist's original vision and understanding of the relationship between the anthropogenic and natural environment in the creation of architectural space, the place and role of man in this process determined his exclusively individual architectural style.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 SYMBIOSIS OF CONCEPTUAL AND ADAPTIVE ARCHITECTURE IN THE REVITALIZATION OF HISTORICAL HERITAGE SITES 2024-12-22T22:19:29+02:00 A. Stepaniuk R. Kiuntsli I. Besaha <p>Symbiosis is a term that has several meanings. Symbiosis is a Greek word that can mean: 1. a form of coexistence of organisms of different species; 2. a successful combination of different elements. The term symbiosis is of interest in terms of the synthesis of art, namely the form of mutually beneficial coexistence (combination) of conceptual and adaptive architecture methods in the revitalization of historical heritage sites.</p> <p>Conceptual architecture as a type of creative activity is based on ideas or concepts. Concept (Latin. Conceptio – understanding) - a system of views; a single, defining idea.</p> <p>Adaptive architecture adapts its form, design, and function to modern needs and operational requirements.</p> <p>During the implementation of projects aimed at revitalizing Eastern European heritage monuments, the working groups of the LNEU have developed seven projects in 2023 under the Grant Agreement for the project titled "Application of the Principles of Adaptive Architecture in the Revitalization of Abandoned Architectural Monuments of Common Eastern European Heritage" (No. 101084975 – Revitalization – ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH) as part of the EU Erasmus+ program. In the course of this work, the authors identified a key insight: the final outcome of these efforts - namely, the adaptation of historical buildings or complexes to meet modern needs, as well as the harmonious integration of restored architectural environments with their surrounding spaces—largely depends on the effective combination (or symbiosis) of conceptual and adaptive architecture methods in design practice.</p> <p>To study and research this phenomenon, the authors applied the method of analyzing the process of implementing projects for the revitalization and adaptation of monuments of Eastern European heritage to modern needs. They analyzed literary sources on the problems of symbiosis in architecture and art.</p> <p>Under the conditions of the Grant Agreement, for a more thorough study of the problems of the revitalization of monuments of Eastern European heritage, the Department of Architecture of the LNEU introduced disciplines for students of the specialty 191 "Architecture and Urban Planning" Bachelor's Degree: "Adaptive Architecture in the Design of Eco-Settlements" and Master's Degree: "Adaptive Architecture in the Revitalization of Architectural Monuments". When performing graphic works and course projects, students of the LNEU were proposed to apply the principle of a symbiosis of the methods of conceptual and adaptive architecture.</p> <p>At the initial stage of the project implementation for the revitalization of historical heritage sites, it is important to develop a concept for solving the set task, to choose the correct approach. The next stage involves work on the architectural and spatial transformation of the form, changing the design and functional purpose to meet the modern needs and operational requirements of the building or a historical monument complex. This process involves the use of methods and principles of adaptive architecture. The harmonious combination (symbiosis) of these two components contributes to the effective and scientifically justified achievement of the goal - the revitalization of a historical heritage site.</p> <p>The research results can be applied in the educational practice of architectural design by students-architects and used by architects in the implementation of projects for the revitalization and adaptation to modern needs of objects of architectural and historical heritage.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 STAGES OF PLANNING A PLOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A COUNTRY HOUSE 2024-12-22T22:25:57+02:00 I. Berezovetska N. Dudiak <p>The article explores key aspects of landscape planning, architecture, and environmental design as contemporary approaches to shaping public and private spaces. It analyzes current challenges and opportunities for architecture and design professionals aimed at creating aesthetically appealing, functional, and environmentally balanced landscapes. The literature presents three terms: landscape planning, landscape architecture, and landscape design. Landscape design is closely related to landscape architecture. Landscape design, planning, and organizing a plot for constructing a private house are crucial in creating an attractive and functional space around our homes. It not only enhances the house’s exterior appearance but also creates a comfortable and safe environment for leisure and outdoor activities, providing aesthetic enjoyment.</p> <p>There are countless options for landscaping – from blooming multicolored flower beds and well-kept lawns to graceful pergolas or garden swings, and even water features like fountains or streams. Each element can be positioned to create a unique atmosphere. The selection of each detail is an opportunity to translate ideas into reality, creating a special corner for relaxation and enjoyment of nature, where each plant and object has its place and contributes to harmony and aesthetic satisfaction. In this way, it is possible to create an atmosphere that corresponds to the preferences and needs of the homeowners.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 IMPORTANCE OF CHURCH ARCHITECTURE IN SHAPING THE PICTURESQUE IMAGE OF SETTLEMENTS 2024-12-22T22:30:56+02:00 S. Pisio N. Dudiak <p>"Church architecture is not only buildings, it is a picturesque path to the soul of the people, where every tower, every window, every detail becomes part of the picturesque image of the settlement, radiating its history, faith and spirituality." Architecture occupies a prominent place in the cultural activities of the population, bringing it universal recognition. Over the centuries, a unique style was produced, which reflected the ingenuity, observation, aesthetic tastes and preferences of national builders. Wooden churches are works of architectural perfection that best identify Ukrainians as a nation. Church architecture has always played an important role in shaping the picturesque image of settlements, adding a unique aesthetic touch to the panorama of cities and villages with its exquisite exterior and interior decoration. Churches, as symbols of spirituality and cultural national heritage, reflect both local and universal history, embodying faith, traditions, and the cultural spirit of the community in their architecture and symbolism. Ancient buildings impress with their expediency and rationality, good appearance and observance of proportions, and always appropriate decorative decoration. The best examples of folk architecture have withstood the test of time and become monuments of culture – testifying to the high skill and artistic taste of their creators. Wooden church architecture occupies an exceptional place in the history of Ukrainian construction. It is precisely in it that the Ukrainian architectural style, enriched by the magnificent variety of regional trends, manifested itself to the maximum extent. In the meantime, wooden architecture, the creation of which was mostly in the hands of local communities, preserved the national specificity. The maximum criterion is the originality of building sets and compositional solutions of Ukrainian art, which was initiated during the construction of churches. Temple architecture has always been not only an embodiment of spirituality and faith, but also a key element in the image and architectural identity of settlements.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 РRINCIPLES OF DESIGNING POND FARMS AND THEIR ENGINEERING LANDSCAPING 2024-12-22T22:33:13+02:00 L. Baranovych A. Baranovych <p>Fish is one of the significant and valuable sources of human nutrition. Containing a range of important proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals, it is an irreplaceable and valuable food product with strategic importance for the state. Fish pond farms have suffered considerable losses due to military actions. The substantial destruction of infrastructure, constant shelling, and the inability to maintain engineering structures have led to the abandonment of many farms, resulting in fish mortality.</p> <p>To safeguard the population from a shortage of fish products at the state level, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the Strategy for the Development of the Fishery Industry of Ukraine until 2030 and the Operational Action Plan for its implementation in 2023–2025 (Decree No&nbsp;402-r, May 2, 2023). This document explains the ways to address and regulate the problems currently faced by farm pond fisheries.</p> <p>An important step in solving this problem is the expansion of those farms located in the territory controlled by Ukraine, taking into account and using the latest methods in pond farming planning to ensure the population has access to quality, healthy, and fresh fish products with the export potential. The development of pond fish farming is a crucial component of the state's agricultural policy and a strategically important direction for diversifying agribusiness.</p> <p>This article examines the principles of pond farm design. Pond fish farming encompasses the processes of breeding and raising fish in specially created water bodies, such as lakes, technical reservoirs, peat quarries, and others. It is a complex system that requires careful planning and maintenance to ensure high productivity and the quality of fish products.</p> <p>Recommendations are also provided regarding water supply, water quality, and soil, as well as the principles of engineering improvement of pond fish farms, which largely depend on the biological characteristics of the cultivated fish.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE HISTORICAL BASIS FOR SUSTAINABLE MODERNIZATION OF MASS PANEL RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION IN THE CONTEXT OF THE "15-MINUTE CITY" CONCEPT 2024-12-22T22:36:47+02:00 S. Derkach <p>Mass residential development during the Soviet era followed the principle of micro-districts and neighborhoods. As a result, the concept of a short-distance city is not new. However, with the introduction of the Sustainable Development Agenda, this idea has gained a new name: the "15-minute city." Researchers are also exploring the concepts of 20-minute and 30-minute cities. The need to redesign urban areas based on this principle arises from the necessity for accessibility to essential infrastructure, such as educational and medical institutions, shops, and recreational areas. As cities have grown, the reliance on private transport has increased, leading to higher energy consumption and environmental harm due to the emissions of harmful substances into the air. The 15-minute city concept promotes accessibility to daily necessities, including workplaces, within a 15 to 30-minute walk or bicycle ride. Sustainable modernization, which involves upgrading residential buildings based on principles of sustainable development, is an integral part of urban planning. The revitalization of old residential buildings, along with their surrounding areas, can be viewed through the lens of sustainable modernization in the context of the 15-minute city. The aim of this research is to shed light on this theoretical concept. Descriptive and visual methods are employed to provide justification and insight into the historical foundations and existing architectural and planning solutions of residential neighborhoods that can implement this principle. This concept offers the potential for complex modernization projects of old panel residential buildings, not just in Ukraine but also in other post-Soviet countries. Given that these panel residential buildings were constructed en masse following similar principles and designs, they represent a significant portion of the housing stock in these countries. The architectural and spatial planning of residential neighborhoods from the Soviet period supports the revitalization of such districts in line with the 15-minute city concept.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 INFLUENCE OF LIVE LOADS ON THE BEARING CAPACITY OF SLOPED SHAFT HEADFRAMES BY TENSIONING OF HOISTING CABLES 2024-12-22T22:05:33+02:00 V. Kushchenko R. Shuliar <p>The structure of sloped mine headframes is an essential component of shaft hoisting mechanisms, which are among the most critical structures at the shaft surface. A major drawback of the current national industry codes for designing shaft headframes is that they overlook the impact of live tension loads from hoisting cables. The operation of the hoisting machine is affected by dynamic live loads due to the rotation of unbalanced guiding pulleys and the forced oscillations of the hoisting cable strings. As a result of these dynamic loads from hoisting cable tension, resonance phenomena in the shaft hoisting system can occur, leading to a loss of dynamic stability in the structure and the formation of fatigue cracks in steel components. To mitigate these resonance issues in headframe structures, design constraints on the minimum natural oscillation frequency are proposed. Additionally, a limit on the relative magnitude of pulsations in compressed bar elements is suggested to maintain their dynamic stability. Through a statistical analysis of experimental study results, the research authors identified a range of pulsation amplitudes in hoisting cables during key phases of the technological cycles for cage and skip hoisting mechanisms. These pulsations are generated by the forced oscillations of hoisting cable strings during the operation of the hoisting machine. A numerical analysis of the stress-strain state in a specific structure subjected to dynamic loads from hoisting cable tension allowed to determine the amplitude values and asymmetry coefficients of dynamic stresses. These findings form the basis for applying the normative engineering methodology to analyze the fatigue strength of steel structures. The present analysis of the fatigue strength of the primary load-bearing components of the structure revealed a limited fatigue lifespan for the support nodes of the guiding pulleys and the slopes of the main beams. The proposed method for analyzing the fatigue life of shaft headframe structures can be utilized for technical monitoring under operational conditions.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DAMAGE AND SHORTCOMINGS OF REINFORCED CONCRETE OUTDOOR POOLS DURING CONSTRUCTION AND LONG-TERM OPERATION 2024-12-22T22:11:41+02:00 Y. Luchko B. Nazarevych Yu. Hashchuk <p>This paper addresses the issues related to the destruction of reinforced concrete monolithic structures in outdoor swimming pools during both construction and long-term operation, drawing upon scientific literature and field studies. The authors analyze various works concerning the destruction of reinforced concrete structures and outline the objectives of this study. General information regarding the construction and long-term operation of new swimming pools is provided. Notably, the paper presents the design of monolithic reinforced concrete pool structures and their reinforcement, illustrated in Figures 1-4. The study also examines the causes and impact of waterproofing issues on the destruction of outdoor swimming pools. Examples of long-term operational open pools are discussed, alongside the results of inspections and instrumental studies of the monolithic walls and floor slabs of long-term swimming pools located in Sokilnyky and the Sykhiv massif in Lviv. One of the research objectives was to assess the current technical condition of the pool structures and determine the feasibility of their continued reliable operation. The study identifies the main reasons for the investigation and proposes solutions to address defects, damage, and challenges associated with long-term operation. Data on the defects and damages that have developed over time due to unfavorable operating conditions are presented. According to current standards, the overall technical condition of the pools is evaluated, and relevant conclusions regarding necessary repair work are drawn. The paper highlights its scientific novelty and practical significance. Based on the survey results and related calculations, proposals for repairs and mitigation of identified shortcomings and damages are developed, accompanied by relevant conclusions.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024