Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University. Series Agronomy https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy <p>Scientific <strong>“Bulletin </strong><strong>of Lviv National Environmental University: agronomy</strong><strong>”</strong> (<strong>ISSN </strong>2786-6807) placed into the B category of the List of professional scientific publications of Ukraine <strong><em>(Decrees of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 17.03.2020, № 409 and 23.12.2022, №1166).</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Certificate of registration: </em></strong><strong><em>KV</em></strong><strong><em> № 25176-15116 </em></strong><strong><em>PR</em></strong><strong><em> on 24.06.2022.</em></strong></p> en-US Thu, 15 Feb 2024 21:09:27 +0200 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS INFLUENCING RECREATION DURING CLIMATE CHANGE IN LVIV REGION IN RECENT YEARS https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/228 <p>Lviv region is facing environmental factors of climate change such as an increase in air temperature, a decrease in precipitation, snow cover, frequent cloudiness, and changes in topography. Roztochchia's temperature monitoring over the past five years has shown an increase of 2.6°C, but some scientific publications report an increase of 3.2°C. This has led to a decline in the recreational sector and can have negative consequences for the socio-economic development of the region, which is rich in natural recreational resources. The change in temperature will affect plant cover, phytochromes, and recreational areas, leading to the disappearance of picturesque places. Skiing activities near the “Magic Lakes” in Yavoriv district may be affected due to the lack of long-laying snow cover. Ice skating is only possible on an artificial ice rink, while the ski slopes in Slavsk now require artificial snow cover. Natural water bodies are growing increasingly shallow and eutrophic, making them unsuitable for swimming. The management and increased consumer demand for the natural bowels of Skhidnytsia has caused violations of the recreation and sanitation conditions for visitors. A heavy downpour destroyed recreational facilities that did not comply with building requirements and used parts of the banks of the Skhidnychanka River for overhanging gazebos. The forestless mountain slopes did not manage to absorb rainwater, leading to flooding and other water-related problems. Although a decrease of precipitation by 110 mm per year is recorded in Lviv region, it is now of spontaneous nature. The use of water and balneological resources by vacationers requires them to be clean. Cloudy days have become more frequent in recent years, affecting the emotional perception of the recreation area. If it is raining and gloomy outside, sunbathing is impossible, reducing opportunities for leisure activities.</p> V. Snitynskyi, H. Lysak , O. Mazurak , N. Panas , N. Liubynets Copyright (c) 2023 https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/228 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 PRINCIPLES OF RECLAMATION AND PHYTOMELIORATION OF DEVASTATED LANDSCAPES https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/229 <p>The article presents an analysis and synthesis of literature sources, as well as the results of the author's research on the evaluation of technological and organizational solutions for revitalizing technogenic landscapes. It focuses on the large areas of devastated lands in Ukraine that were formed due to various types of economic activities, resulting in the destruction of natural ecosystems. These lands need to be restored. The conditions of technogenesis have caused transformations of the life of flora, particularly in the affected areas, explaining and assisting which encounters complex theoretical problems. These issues require new principles and methods to optimize the damaged landscapes using phytomelioration, phytoreclamation, and environmental protection measures, which is an essential task for general environmental conservation. Implementing modern revitalization methods will restore disturbed lands, ensure their rational use, recover soil fertility and biodiversity in disturbed landscapes, and create new economic development opportunities. This, in turn, will improve the environment and the quality of human life.</p> <p>The purpose of this work is to justify the need to develop a set of solutions for organizing a phased planning of the rational use of disturbed lands. Ukraine has a variety of natural conditions, so the choice of plant species for creating stable phytocenoses during reclamation should be justified and ecologically and phytocenotic compatible and suitable for local conditions. To be successful, the process of revitalizing technogenically transformed landscapes should be based on the use of potential opportunities and trends inherent in nature itself. Based on the analysis of scientific literature on the rational use of disturbed lands to adapt them to repeated and prospective use, the article highlights that lands formed as a result of human technogenic activity can be used for recreation and various economic development.</p> V. Snitynskyi , M. Ivankiv , N. Kachmar , T. Datsko , A. Dydiv , I. Horodyska Copyright (c) 2023 https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/229 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 GENESIS OF THE SOCIO-NATURAL PARADIGM OF THE ACADEMIC SCHOOLS IN LVIV AND DUBLIANY https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/230 <p>In each region, there is a network of settlements as a part of the biosphere. It is able to withstand the structural and functional restructuring of its components due to the engaged behavioral mechanisms in the social elements of geosystems. The soil component of landscapes of the Lviv-Dubliany socio-natural agglomeration was often considered as a clear model of such resistance. Another example is represented by the established meadow ecosystems within the forest and subalpine belts of the Carpathians, which are the result of coevolution under the conditions of traditional land use. The paradigm of socio-natural evolution (coevolution) provides the opportunity to operate with the concepts of the evolutionary process in relation to heterogeneous socio-biotic systems. In the Carpathian region, changes in the socio-natural heritage integrated various changes in geosystems and soil cover in their composition. Models of such co-evolutionary integration are revealed in various complexes – from original soil-detrital to derived demutation formations. The soil cover contains evidence of behavioral changes in land use during different historical periods. Therefore, the criteria of behavioral ecology become a normative element in the knowledge of coevolutionary changes. At the same time, mnemonic and informational institutions (departments, reserves, museums, heritage sites) act as universal centers of analysis and forecast of the further coevolutionary development of the relations between man and nature. The dynamic conditions of settlements reflect the course of anthropogenic processes and, ultimately, the social consciousness and behavior of people. Metamorphoses of social behavior always accompany changes in the nature use. On the edge of the 19th and 20th centuries, intensification of agriculture and development of forestry were the most vivid coevolutionary manifestations. Significant transformations in the land use occurred in the times when the war, revolution, famine, epidemics had an integral effect on the intelligence and behavior of the community.</p> Yu. Chernobai Copyright (c) 2023 https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/230 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 CONTENT OF HEAVY METALS IN THE PHYTOMASS OF THE NATURAL MEADOWECOSYSTEMS OF VINNYTSIA REGION UNDER GENERAL BACKGROUND POLLUTION AND AS A RESULT OF ANTHROPOGENIC TRANSFORMATION OF LAND https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/231 <p>Meadows as plant ecosystems of the Forest-Steppe zone are secondary in origin. They were formed on the site of indigenous (primary) vegetation types – forest or marsh ecosystems – after being transformed by humans to meet the needs of agriculture or livestock. In ancient times, the areas that are now occupied by meadows were mostly covered by forests or swamps. With population growth and livestock development, these forests were cut down, swamps drained, and the land was used for agricultural production as pastures and hayfields. Meadows on the plains of former forest or marsh ecosystems are unstable dynamic phytocoenoses in different stages of succession. Therefore, dominant species' botanical composition and projective cover change rapidly, requiring constant human intervention to maintain their high productivity.</p> <p>Following the principles of sustainable development, one of the most urgent tasks is to provide the population with a sufficient amount of high-quality and safe food of both plant and animal origin. It is known that the quality and safety of food products are directly dependent on the environmental conditions of food raw material production. Vegetation of natural fodder lands is an important element of livestock production, which is characterized by low cost compared to cultivated lands.</p> <p>However, in some areas, natural fodder lands undergo a strong anthropogenic load in technogenesis, leading to soil contamination with various toxicants, particularly heavy metals such as Pb, Cd, Zn, and Cu. The main sources of pollution of natural fodder lands are industry, motor vehicles, chemicalisation of the crop production sector, and others. Under such conditions, the use of phytocoenoses as feedstock for both domestic and wild animals increases the risk of heavy metals entering their bodies, which threatens the production of safe and high-quality products, and contaminated soils may be withdrawn from agricultural use.</p> <p>The study aimed to determine the levels of accumulation of Pb, Cd, Zn, and Cu in the ecosystems of natural fodderlands under different anthropogenic loads in the conditions of Eastern Podillia in Vinnytsia region.</p> O. Titarenko Copyright (c) 2023 https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/231 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 INTENSITY OF THE HEAVY METALS ACCUMULATION BY SUNFLOWER SEEDS AND MEAL https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/232 <p>The current situation shows that sunflower is still one of the most profitable products at the domestic market, which is fully saturated by its own production. The fertility of soil in Vinnytsia region provide favorable conditons for frowing sunflower, and its wide range of use contributes to a gradual increase in the area under sunflower cultivation.</p> <p>The growth of sunflower acreage in Ukraine is accompanied by an increase in the application rates of mineral fertilizers and pesticides and leads to a higher risk of accumulation of toxic substances, in particular heavy metals, in its seeds and sunflower processing products.</p> <p>The content of toxic substances in the soil during sunflower cultivation was investigated. The authors of the research compared the content of heavy metals of lead, cadmium, copper, and zinc in sunflower seeds and meal with their content in the soil. The obtained indicators were compared with the maximum permissible concentrations. The accumulation coefficients of heavy metals of lead, cadmium, copper and zinc by sunflower seeds were calculated. The amounts of heavy metal transfer from the soil to sunflower seeds and sunflower meal were calculated.</p> <p>Among the soil chemical toxicants that can be potentially accumulated in sunflower seeds and sunflower meal, the most dangerous are lead, copper, zinc, cadmium, cesium, and cobalt. At the same time, the amount of mercury, molybdenum, boron and iron in the studied soil does not pose a danger. At the actual level of soil contamination with mobile forms of lead, cadmium, copper and zinc within 0.13–0.26 MPC, their content in sunflower seeds was 0.11–0.17 MPC. In sunflower meal, the content of studied heavy metals more increased as compared to sunflower seeds, particulalry copper – 2.9 times, lead – 1.49 times, cadmium – 1.45 times, zinc – 1.43 times. However, the actual share of such heavy metals was 0.03–0.09 MPC in relation to the maximum permissible concentration. The highest coefficient of accumulation of the heavy metals by sunflower seeds from the soil was marked for zinc – 1.81 and copper – 1.71, while for lead and cadmium, it was 0.06 and 0.12, respectively.</p> H. Hutsol , O. Mazur Copyright (c) 2023 https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/232 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 TECHNOLOGIES OF SORPTION WASTEWATER TREATMENT: EXPERIENCE OF USE AND INNOVATION https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/233 <p>The article presents research results on the use of various types of sorbents, including natural silicate minerals and their modified forms, as well as biosorbents based on waste, to purify wastewater from pollutant ions.</p> <p>The researchers provide examples of naturally occurring mineral sorbents and biosorbents, their selectivity for pollutants, and their advantages and disadvantages. They argue that further research into new sorption and biosorption technologies is necessary as these are the most effective methods of cleaning man-made waters in terms of both economic indicators and cleaning efficiency.</p> <p>The article also describes the properties of natural modified sorbents of various origins, including their binding mechanisms for pollutant ions, such as heavy metals. Modern methods of analysis, such as infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) are used to establish these mechanisms. The article also highlights the advantages of modern physicochemical methods, particularly X-ray absorption spectroscopy, as a powerful tool for evaluating the binding mechanisms of various biomaterials.</p> <p>The researchers studied the possibilities of valorizing organic waste produced by agro-industrial and other industries to develop innovative complex technologies using biosorbents for wastewater treatment. These technologies offer prospects for large-scale implementation.</p> <p>The article concludes by proving the effectiveness of combining sorption and other technologies to purify wastewater from pollutants of various origins. The researchers also stress the importance of finding new, cheap, and effective sorption materials to optimize the quality of water bodies in the environment, in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.</p> O. Mazurak , H. Lysak , O. Zelisko , N. Hrynchyshyn, I. Mazurak Copyright (c) 2023 https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/233 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 EFFECTS OF LEAD SOIL POLLUTION ON PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF LEACHED FOREST-MEADOW CHERNOZEM (BLACK SOIL) IN THE CONDITIONS OF WESTERN FOREST-STEPPE OF UKRAINE https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/234 <p>Contamination with heavy metals is a major concern because of their toxicity and threat to human life and environment. The object of the study was leached forest-meadow chernozem (black soil), polluted by lead. The samples were taken from the research field of Lviv National Environmental University, from the layer of 0–60 cm deep. Lead (Pb(CH<sub>3</sub>COO)<sub>2</sub>) was applied to the top layer of soil as water-salt solutions in different doses, namely 0; 32; 160; 320 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>. Basic chemical and physical properties, such as soil reaction, organic carbon content, grain size composition, total surface area, porosity, and hydrolytic acidity of the samples were analyzed using routine laboratory procedures. The soluble forms of Pb were also investigated. The soil reaction ranged between 6.8 and 7.5 in 1M KCl and 7.3–8.1 in H<sub>2</sub>O, whereas the content of organic C ranged between 0.66 and 1.56&nbsp;%. For Pb-treated samples, the content of sand fraction changed from 8 to 25&nbsp;%; silt fraction – from 48 to 65&nbsp;%, and colloidal clay fraction – from 20 to 35&nbsp;%. The pore volume of polluted soils ranged from 370 mm<sup>3</sup> g<sup>-1</sup> to 420&nbsp;mm<sup>3</sup> g<sup>-1</sup>. The total surface area of the soils varied from&nbsp; 26.8&nbsp;m<sup>2</sup>&nbsp;g<sup>-1</sup> to 37.7&nbsp;m<sup>2</sup> g<sup>-1</sup>. The content of available forms of lead was the highest in the top layers of soils. The presence of those elements was similar to that in the control sample at the depth of 30 cm only for small initial doses of Pb. The content of Pb for the highest dose and at the deepest soil level was higher than for the control sample. The behaviour of lead in soil and influence of lead on the basic characteristics of leached chernozem (black soil) can be connected with the chemical properties of this metal and the properties of the soil. The rate of migration of lead forms in soils can be evidence and index of soil self-purification.</p> N. Kachmar, T. Datsko, M. Ivankiv, A. Dydiv Copyright (c) 2023 https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/234 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 GLOBAL WARMING AND SMALL CYCLE: RISKS AND PROSPECTS https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/235 <p>Climate change is altering our understanding of ourselves, our society, the relationships between socio-economic and biophysical systems, and humanity's place on Earth. It is clear that the Earth is warming, but the scientific consensus for half a century has ignored the root cause of this threatening phenomenon, so the response has been ineffective and has not led to a consolidation of efforts. It is noted that the main reasons for the impact on the climate in the agro sector are the clearing of land for agriculture, the loss of year-round vegetation covering the soil, the reduction of forests, which expose the bare soil to solar radiation, creating tangible heat. The cooling effect of evaporation is limited or stopped by vegetation. This significantly changes formation and movement of moisture, stops rain from reaching deep into dry areas. In the article, the authors define the most important directions and some actions to solve the problem of bare soil surfaces.</p> <p>The earth still behaves as if it is trying to preserve the most favorable environment for all living things. It follows that the safest and most sustainable land use should imitate natural vegetation. Farmers and other land users should avoid exposing bare soil to direct sunlight. For this purpose, it is proposed to minimize tillage (no tillage) leaving the plow; to implement various crop rotations, preferably with perennial crops; to form a motley, diverse landscape that promotes a small water cycle in agroecosystems. The present research identifies only some of the processes through which a bare or non-bare landscape affects weather and climate. The work confirms that the impact of soil stripping from vegetation on atmospheric processes should be taken into account in the policy of regional land management in agro landscapes around the world, and even where significant land clearing for agricultural purposes is impossible.</p> D. Dent, Zh. Bai Copyright (c) 2023 https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/235 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 THE INFLUENCE OF PROBIOTIC SUPPLEMENTS ON THE MORPHOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF QUAIL’S BLOOD IN CRITICAL PERIODS OF DEVELOPMENT https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/252 <p>The study focuses on the morphological and biochemical characteristics of quail blood during critical developmental phases. The research shows that the Pharaon breed of quails undergo age-related changes that affect leukopoiesis, erythropoiesis, and hematopoiesis. Specifically, it was observed that the number of leukocytes in the blood of quails increases during critical periods of development. In addition, an increase in the number of erythrocytes in the blood of quails was noted, which was associated with the age-related increase in erythropoiesis. The study also found a higher concentration of hemoglobin in the blood of quails in the control group on the 45th day of life, which was related to hormonal changes in the body. In all age periods, the hematocrit value in the blood of quails in the control group was higher. Furthermore, feeding quails with a standard diet supplemented with probiotic additives containing strains of symbiotic microorganisms <em>Lactobacillus acidophilus</em> and <em>Enterococcus faecium</em> had a positive influence on the oxygen transport function of blood during critical developmental phases. The addition of the probiotic supplement resulted in an increase in hemoglobin concentration in the blood of quails on the 35th day (P&lt;0.05) and the 60th day (P&lt;0.01). In comparison to the control group, a decrease (P&lt;0.001) in hematocrit levels in the blood of quails of the experimental group was observed on the 35th day, indicating an increase in blood volume and the ratio of erythrocytes due to the inclusion of the probiotic feed additive in the diet. In all age periods, under the influence of the probiotic supplement, the blood of quails showed a higher content of erythrocytes than in the control. The number of leukocytes decreased in the blood of poultry in the experimental group, which indicated the normalizing effect of the probiotic on leukopoiesis during critical developmental phases.</p> N. Ohorodnyk, L. Bosanevych, V. Tkachuk, S. Pavkovych, I. Dudar Copyright (c) 2023 https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/252 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 IMPACT OF FEEDING PROTECTED VEGETABLE OILS ON THE YIELD AND FATTY ACID COMPOSITION OF COW MILK FAT https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/253 <p>The article presents findings of the research on the impact of feeding calcium salts of fatty acids made from sunflower and rapeseed oil to lactating cows on milk yield and the fatty acid composition of milk fat.</p> <p>The increased doses of fat supplements, which are used to increase the energy content of the diet, and feeding unsaturated fatty acids, which have a positive effect on the quality of livestock products, negatively influence the ruminal digestion. Protected fats, in particular calcium salts, are used in ruminant diets to reduce the indicated negative impact.</p> <p>The experiment was conducted during the winter stall period. After the preparatory period, the cows were divided into three groups of five cows each, depending on the average daily milk yield, the number of days after calving, and the number of calvings. During the experimental period, the animals in the first group received a diet without fat additives. The cows of the second group were given calcium salts of fatty acids based on sunflower oil in the amount of 1% of the dry matter of the diet instead of part of the concentrates. The animals of the third group were fed the same amount of calcium salts of fatty acids based on rapeseed oil instead of part of the concentrates.</p> <p>The introduction of supplements of calcium salts of fatty acids made on the basis of sunflower oil into the diet of dairy cows increases the average daily yield, the amount of milk with basic fat content, the percentage content of fat, protein, and lactose in milk, as well as the yield of fat, protein, and lactose.</p> <p>Feeding dairy cows with the supplements of calcium salts of fatty acids based on rapeseed oil increases the average daily yield of milk, the amount of milk with basic fat content, the percentage of fat and lactose, and the daily output of fat, protein, and lactose.</p> <p>The use of calcium salts of fatty acids made basing on sunflower and rapeseed oil in the diet of dairy cows reduces the content of lauric, myristic, palmitic, C<sub>14</sub>–C<sub>16</sub>, and saturated fatty acids in milk fat, while the amount of stearic, oleic, and linoleic, as well as C<sub>18</sub>, unsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids, increases.</p> S. Pavkovych, S. Vovk, N. Ohorodnyk, V. Balkovskyi, I. Dudar Copyright (c) 2023 https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/253 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 HRYHORII OVKSENTIIOVYCH ANDRUSHCHENKO: LIFE PATH OF THE SCIENTIST AND THE UKRAINIAN SOIL SCIENCE https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/248 <p>The article describes the life path of the well-known soil scientist H.&nbsp;O.&nbsp;Andrushchenko, professor of Lviv National Environmental University. Historically, soil science in the west of Ukraine started in 1856 in Dubliany when professors Severyn Plakhetko and Emil Godlevskyi began their activities. At the end of the 19th century, Agricultural School in Dubliany was actively developing and in 1880 it acquired the status of Higher Agricultural School, and later - the Academy. Professors Józef Mikulowski-Pomorski and Maryan Gurski focused their work primarily on soil science and soil chemistry. When Hryhorii Andrushchenko moved to Dubliany in 1945 and began his work at the Department of Soil Science, he initiated research of the soils of the western regions of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, countries of the Western Hemisphere and Indochina. Hryhorii Andrushchenko organized modern laboratories for the educational and research work, namely chemical and physical laboratory with a set of appropriate reagents and devices; optical laboratory with the latest equipment, in particular, spectrograph DFS-3, spectrophotometer, microphotometer, photoelectrocolorimeter, Zeiss flame photometer, pH meters; isotope laboratory; the soil museum, in which monoliths of all soils of the western regions of Ukraine were presented. The results of many years of the celebrant’s research have contributed to specification of the indicators that are important for the diagnosis of soils, namely: the ratio of organic and mineral forms of iron, as well as organic and mineral phosphates in soils; rapid changes in the content and composition of phosphates in the profile. The scientist has made a significant contribution to soil cartography, in particular, large-scale soil surveying and generalization of research results.</p> P. Hnativ, T. Shvydka, V. Ivaniuk, M. Poliukhovych, O. Haskevych, B. Parkhuts, N. Veha, R. Kunynets Copyright (c) 2023 https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/248 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 FORMATION OF SOYBEAN (GLYCINE MAX (L.) MERR.) PRODUCTIVITY ON SOD-PODZOLIC SOIL UNDER DIFFERENT DOSES OF FERTILIZERS AND MELIORANTS https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/146 <p>Soybean occupies a leading place in world agriculture. Among a number of agrotechnical measures that ensure the varieties potential realization, the fertilization system has an important place. Taking into account the expansion of its cultivation areas in the Western Polissia zone, a study was conducted on the formation of individual productivity indicators of soybean plants as an integral indicator of the action of various doses of fertilizers and meliorants on sod-podzolic soil. Research methods: field, biometric, statistical. The research was conducted in a stationary field experiment. It was established that the application of fertilizers against the background of chemical ameliorants stabilized the interval of plant height with a coefficient of variation of V&lt;5%. Plant survival was on average 80.7–80.9% in variants N<sub>55</sub>P<sub>20</sub>K<sub>50</sub> and N<sub>65</sub>P<sub>50</sub>K<sub>75</sub> on the background of 1.0&nbsp;Hh and N<sub>45</sub>P<sub>60</sub>K<sub>60</sub> on the background of 1.5 Hh CaMg(CO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>, which is more than the control by 6.5–9.0&nbsp;%. Fertilization against the background of ameliorants helped to increase the individual productivity of plants. It was the highest in the variant N<sub>65</sub>P<sub>50</sub>K<sub>75</sub> + S<sub>40</sub> + microfertilizer (twice) against a background of 1.0 doses of Hh СaMg(CO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>: the number of beans 13.7&nbsp;pcs., the number of grains per plant 30.1&nbsp;pcs., the weight of 1000 grains 166.6&nbsp;g, the mass of grain from the plant is 5.02&nbsp;g. However, these values were not significant at p≤0.05 compared to the dose of N<sub>55</sub>P<sub>20</sub>K<sub>50</sub> under other identical conditions. Regulation of soybean structure indicators due to fertilization against the background of ameliorants led to higher seed productivity of the crop. On average, in 2021-2022, the highest seed yield of 2.48 and 2.60<sub>&nbsp;</sub>t ha<sup>-1</sup> was provided by doses of N<sub>55</sub>P<sub>20</sub>K<sub>50</sub> and N<sub>65</sub>P<sub>50</sub>K<sub>75</sub> with the addition of S<sub>40</sub> + microfertilizer against a background of 1.0&nbsp;Hh of a dose of CaMg(CO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>. It was established that the application of nitrogen fertilizers in the dose of N<sub>55</sub> with the addition of S<sub>40</sub> + microfertilizer (twice) on the background of 1.0&nbsp;dose of CaMg(CO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub> increased the yield by 58.9% to the control and by 15.6% to the background, but it was significantly inferior to the options complete mineral nutrition.</p> Volodymyr Polovyy, Людмила Ященко, Halyna Rovna Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of Lviv National Environmental University: Series Agronomy https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/146 Fri, 01 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 PODILLIA’S BROWN SOILS, DESCRIBED BY PROFESSOR H. ANDRUSHCHENKO https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/249 <p>In the 50s and 60s of the last century, a great event happened in the practical soil science. A comprehensive mapping of all soils of Ukraine that were used in agricultural production in every collective and state farm was carried out. To carry out this work, agronomists from local and state institutions took 2–5 month courses of training, and students of agronomic specialties from agricultural educational institutions were involved. The necessary preparatory work was not fully carried out. In particular, there were no detailed materials on the nature and characteristics of the soil-forming rocks. P.&nbsp;Zamorii's fundamental work on the soil-forming rocks of Ukraine, which clearly confirmed absence of forest on a large area in the south of Ternopil, Khmelnytskyi, and Vinnytsia regions, was published almost after the large-scale soil survey was completed. At that time, domestic soil science had a “single correct” theory of soil origin. Thus, the soil scientist had to name the soil based on the options provided by the instructions. That's how gray podzolized soils appeared on soil maps, even though they were not the ones. A fractional analysis of humus showed that the humus of such soils, even those formed on limestone eluvium, actually lacked the 11th fraction of humus acids, which was bound to calcium.</p> <p>The lack of affinity to calcium in certain soils is both of theoretical and great practical importance. Liming such soils does not increase their fertility, but only destroys their structure.&nbsp; The research program anticipated the possibility of such inconsistencies. To resolve such issues, it was planned to positions of soil scientists at the research stations. However, soil scientists from the research stations were soon transferred to the staff of regional divisions of the Institute of Land Management, which were actually production rather than research institutions. Today, training of soil scientists in the country has been totally stopped.</p> F. Topolnyi Copyright (c) 2023 https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/249 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 EFFICIENCY OF GROWING MAJOR CROPS ON SOILS RELEASED FROM HORTICULTURE UNDER THEIR OPTIMIZED FERTILIZATION https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/250 <p>One of the main methods to improve the economic efficiency of grain production apart from the garden uprooting is to provide plants with the main nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium through the rational and science-based mineral fertilization of soils, taking into account the presence of nutrients in them. The article deals with the transfer of soils after perennial plantations into the use for field crop rotation on gray forest soils for growing the major crops with optimized fertilization on the example of the farm in Vinnytsia region in the conditions of the Forest-Steppe of Right-Bank Ukraine. The economic efficiency of the elements of the crop cultivation technology was calculated based on the weighted average selling prices for the grown products and prices for mineral fertilizers in 2021. Two variants of the rate of application of mineral fertilizers under the planned yield of winter wheat at the level of 7.0&nbsp;t/ha, corn 11.2&nbsp;t/ha, and sunflower 3.5&nbsp;t/ha considered the available nutrients in the soil. It was established that in the variant after intensive horticulture, the soil needed more fertilizers. Thus, for growing winter wheat, there was an increase in production costs for grown products by UAH 1,636/ha, for corn by UAH 2,041.5/ha, and for sunflower by UAH 2,132/ha, respectively, compared to the option after an extensive garden. It was established that in the variant of cultivation after extensive horticulture under winter wheat, corn, and sunflower, the yield increase is noted by 0.397, 0.497 and 0.107&nbsp;t/ha respectively. It was found that after extensive horticulture, the level of profitability was higher by 27.9&nbsp;% for the cultivation of winter wheat, by 29.4&nbsp;% – for corn, and by 31.5&nbsp;% – for sunflower.</p> V. Melnyk, S. Riazanov, Yu. Pryimak Copyright (c) 2023 https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/250 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 HOW THE CONTROLLED SYNERGY OF RHIZOSPHERIC MICROORGANISMS CAN IMPROVE EFFICIENCY OF MODERN AGRICULTURE (BACK TO NATURE) https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/251 <p>One of the main goals of sustainable intensification of agricultural production is to increase the content of organic matter in the soil by increasing the strength and diversity of soil microbiota. The rhizosphere is distinctly different from the soil far from the plant roots by its physical, chemical, and biological properties. The number of microorganisms in the rhizosphere can be ten times higher than the content of them in undeveloped soil. Microbial populations play an important role in the phase processes that ensure stability and productivity of agroecosystems. The role of the soil microbiome in regulating many processes in agroecosystems is insufficiently studied, which limits our ability to predict how the reduced soil biome diversity indirectly affects human welfare through agroecosystem resilience. The use of microorganisms has a great potential for sustainable agriculture, because such innovative methods in plant breeding technologies can replace traditional methods of growing agricultural crops. The soil microbiome is a critically important factor influencing the agroecosystem functioning, because microorganisms act as drivers of the circulation of nutrients, regulating the dynamics of labile organic matter in the soil, carbon deposition in the soil, greenhouse gas emissions, changing the physical structure and water regime of the soil, increasing the amount and efficiency of nutrients absorption by plants, prevent the invasion of pathogenic organisms and reduce the impact of biotic and abiotic stresses on the agricultural plants. The rhizosphere should be considered as a structural and functional unit of the agrosystem. Its vital activity determines realization of the genetic potential of varieties and hybrids, creates conditions for increasing their productivity when the soil activity is stimulated and environmental risks are reduced. The present review emphasizes importance of &nbsp;the soil microbiome diversity in maintaining healthy soils, because only such soils support efficient agricultural production.</p> D. Baranskyi Copyright (c) 2023 https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/251 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 EFFECTIVENESS OF THE NEW SEED TREATMENT PREPARATION VIBRANCE INTEGRAL AGAINST DISEASES AND PESTS ON SPRING BARLEY https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/247 <p>Pre-sowing treatment of seed is an important link in the production of plant products, a significant reserve for increasing plant productivity and improving crop quality. Pre-sowing treatment of seed material aims to protect plants from diseases caused by infected seeds or soil, as well as to protect seedlings and plant seedlings from soil pests. It is of primary importance in the modern systems of protecting spring barley plants from harmful organisms.</p> <p>For the treatment of spring barley seeds before sowing against diseases and pests, it is suggested to apply fungicide-insecticide Vibrance Integral, 235 FS ((sedaxane, 25&nbsp;g/l + fludioxonil, 25&nbsp;g/l + tebuconazole, 10&nbsp;g/l + thiamethoxam, 175&nbsp;g/l) in the rate 2 l/t. The use of Vibrance Integral, 235&nbsp;FS for pre-sowing treatment of spring barley seeds was an effective measure to prevent damage to plants by pathogens of a complex of root and stem rots (<em>Fusarium</em>, <em>Cochliobolus sativus</em>), species of bunt (<em>Ustilago nuda, Ustilago hordei</em>), net (<em>Pyrenophora teres</em>) and striped (<em>Pyrenophora graminea</em>) leaf spots, as well as to limit damage to plant seedlings by soil pests (<em>Agriotes</em>), flea beetles (<em>Phyllotreta vittula</em>, <em>Chaetocnema hortensis</em>), cereal leaf beetles (<em>Oulema melanopus</em>, <em>Oulema lichenis</em>), cereal flies (<em>Mayetiola destructor</em>, <em>Oscinella pusilla</em>) and cereal aphids (<em>Sitobion avenae</em>, <em>Brachycolus noxius</em>). The results of the present studies confirm its high fungicidal activity against seed and soil infection, as well as its high insecticidal efficiency against soil and seedling pests.</p> <p>The pre-sowing treatment of spring barley seeds with Vibrance Integral, 235 FS pesticide in the rate 2 l/t did not have a negative effect on seed quality, on the contrary, the drug provided 1.7–1.9% better indicators of germination energy and laboratory germination than the control.</p> <p>Using the fungicide-insecticide Vibrance Integral, 235 FS to pre-sowing treatment of spring barley resulted in a higher yield, i.e. a significant additional grain yield as compared to the control was 13.4&nbsp;t/ha.</p> H. Kosylovych, Y. Holiachuk Copyright (c) 2023 https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/247 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 THE RESULTS OF BREEDING THE SELECTION-VALUABLE POTATO HYBRIDS BY THE METHOD OF STEPWISE INTERVARIETAL HYBRIDIZATION https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/246 <p>To implement programs of applied potato breeding at Lviv NЕU, when creating the initial breeding material, the staged intervarietal crossings were carried out. Its idea was to combine a complex of valuable economic traits that were inherent in the original parental forms into one genotype.</p> <p>As a result of the stepwise intervarietal hybridization in Lviv NЕU, several new hybrid forms of potatoes of different origins and maturing periods were created. The original parental forms for hybridization used potato varieties of Ukrainian selection, namely Borodianska Rozheva, Vodohrai, Hibrydna 14, Volia, Zakhidna, Zov, Lishchyna, Lvivianka, Oksamyt, Povin, Svitanok Kyivskyi, and foreign varieties, such as Nevskа, Suzorye, Aminca, Sante, hybrid SVP.</p> <p>The task of the research was to give a comprehensive assessment of promising intervarietal hybrids of potatoes according to their valuable economic and biological characteristics so that the best forms could be recommended as candidates for new varieties.</p> <p>The research was conducted during 2020–2022. 9 new potato hybrids of different maturity groups were used for the studies. Each of the hybrids and the corresponding standard varieties of potatoes were planted on land plots with a plant feeding area of 70×35 cm, which amounted to 40.8 thousand plants per 1&nbsp;ha. The experimental sites were placed in triplicate, using a systematic method. The registered area of the site was 25 m<sup>2</sup>. Potato varieties of domestic selection were used as standards, in particular, Vodohrai variety – for the mid-early group, Volia variety - for mid-ripening, and Zakhidna – for mid-late.</p> <p>It is established that the stepwise intervarietal hybridization allows combining potentially high productivity (1000&nbsp;g/bush and higher), intensive crop formation with increased starch content in tubers (16–18&nbsp;%), and high resistance to late blight (at the level of 7–8 points).</p> <p>Basing on the conducted research of the comprehensive evaluation of the economic and biological characteristics of new intervarietal hybrids of potatoes, the mid-early hybrid 02/10-40 (Borodianska rozheva × Suzorye), the mid-ripening 11/4-1 (Zakhidna × Vodohrai) and the mid-late hybrid 16/17-1 [(Zakhidna × Sante) × (Volia × Lishchyna)] were marked as they significantly prevailed in the complex of economic and valuable characteristics of the corresponding standard varieties. It is proposed to continue further selection work with them according to the accepted schemes and potato selection, intensively multiply, and prepare to pass to the State variety tests as candidates for new varieties of the crop.</p> P. Zaviriukha Copyright (c) 2023 https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/246 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 CHERRY VARIETIES AND ROOTSTOCKS AS DETERMINING PREREQUISITES FOR ESTABLISHING MODERN COMMERCIAL ORCHARDS https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/240 <p>Cherry fruit is a delicious and nutritious food that is grown and consumed all over the world. It is a highly sought-after product, but its production does not fully meet the existing demand. Therefore, the production of cherry fruits is increasing to meet the growing demand.</p> <p>To assess the current conditions of this profitable branch of agriculture and adopt the best practices of global producers in Ukraine, a review of the largest cherry producers' production volumes and varietal and rootstock composition was conducted.</p> <p>The largest consumers of cherry fruits are China, the USA, Turkey, Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain, Spain, Japan, and Russia. The main countries that produce cherries on an industrial scale are China, accounting for more than 70&nbsp;% of global production, and a few others. The total world production of cherries in 2022 was estimated at 3.5 million tons.</p> <p>To ensure optimal productivity, quality, and economic profitability, modern cherry fruit production technology involves several critical aspects. Selecting the appropriate cherry variety is crucial because different varieties have different growth characteristics, resistance to diseases, and visual and taste characteristics of the fruits. The rootstock selection determines the size of the tree, its productivity and winter resistance, the strength of anchoring in the soil, adaptation to the peculiarities of the soil conditions of the place of cultivation, durability, and productivity of the plantation.</p> <p>Among the popular cherry varieties grown in commercial orchards around the world, each of which has its unique characteristics, growers select varieties for cultivation based on their high yield, resistance to cracking, shelf life, attractive appearance and taste characteristics. Consumers prefer fruits of hard, sweet and juicy varieties that have a long shelf life.</p> <p>High-productivity cherry varieties of local selection and introduced varieties are traditionally cultivated in various regions of the world, ensuring stable yields and high quality fruit.</p> <p>Programs of new cherry varieties breeding with improved yield, disease resistance, increased fruit size, and excellent taste qualities are ongoing in global cherry breeding centers.</p> <p>New cherry varieties offer unique and improved characteristics that make them attractive to both growers and consumers. Promising new cherry cultivars include the Royal series, Sweet series, Canadian and Czech varieties. As cherry breeding programs continue, we can expect more promising new cultivars soon</p> <p>Another similar important component of the technology of cherry production, which has a significant impact on the parameters of growth, fruiting and profitability of the plantation, is the choice of rootstock. The rootstock plays a significant role in the production and quality of cherry fruits. Rootstocks are used mostly to limit the growth of trees, increase productivity, as well as to increase resistance to pests and diseases, adaptation to different soil conditions. Rootstock selection is critical to the success of cherry orchards, as it directly affects fruit quality, tree longevity, and profitability.</p> <p>Analysis of the research results by several scientists in the field of cherry fruit production and statistical data on the productivity of this crop on a global scale allows stating that in the soil and climatic conditions of Ukraine, it is possible to successfully establish large-scale cherry production using the best varieties and rootstocks. However, before launching large-scale production projects, it is necessary to carry out preliminary scientific research on the adaptive capacity of various varieties and rootstock combinations of cherry to grow and fruit in certain soil and climatic conditions and to identify options that are capable of the greatest realization of their fruiting potential.</p> B. Hulko , V. Hulko , V. Dynia Copyright (c) 2023 https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/240 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 INFLUENCE OF A NEW COMPLEX MINERAL FERTILIZER CALLED NITROAMOFOSKA-M ON THE YIELD AND QUALITY OF BROCCOLI https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/241 <p>The study aimed to examine the effect of different rates of a new complex mineral fertilizer called Nitroamophoska-M on the yield and biochemical composition of broccoli, specifically the hybrid Koros F1. The study took place in the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine on dark gray podzolic loamy soils.</p> <p>The hybrid of broccoli Koros F<sub>1</sub><sub> was </sub>chosen as the subject of the research. The scheme of the experiment included six versions: 1)&nbsp;Control (without fertilizers); 2) Ammonium nitrate (175&nbsp;kg/ha) – background; 3) Background + Nitroammophoska-M (200&nbsp;kg/ha); 4)&nbsp;Background + Nitroammophoska-M (400&nbsp;kg/ha); 5) Background + Nitroammophoska-M (600&nbsp;kg/ha); 6)&nbsp;Background + Nitroammophoska-M (800&nbsp;kg/ha).</p> <p>The average results of the two-year research showed that a large diameter (16 and 18&nbsp;cm) and weight of heads (754 and 836&nbsp;g) were obtained on the versions: Background + Nitroammophoska-M (400&nbsp;kg/ha) and Background + Nitroammophoska-M (600&nbsp;kg/ha), while in the control version (without fertilizers) these figures were the lowest and amounted to 12&nbsp;cm and 422&nbsp;g, respectively.</p> <p>Using the seedling growing method and applying Nitroammophoska-M fertilizers at the rate of 400&nbsp;kg/ha and 600 kg/ha, the researchers obtained a high yield of broccoli heads (30.8 and 32.5&nbsp;t/ha), exceeding the control by 9.4 and 11.1&nbsp;t/ha, respectively. The results showed that the use of Nitroammophoska-M fertilizers at the rate of 800 kg/ha did not significantly increase the yield compared to version 5 with the application of fertilizers at the rate of 600&nbsp;kg/ha.</p> <p>Nitroamophoska-M fertilizer improved the quality of broccoli heads. The highest content of dry matter (11.3&nbsp;%), total sugar (5.0&nbsp;%), and ascorbic acid (82.4&nbsp;mg/100&nbsp;g) were marked in version 5 where Nitroammophoska-M was applied at the rate of 600 kg/ha. The content of nitrate nitrogen in all versions of the experiment did not exceed the maximum allowable concentration (400&nbsp;mg/kg of wet weight).</p> <p>Based on the results, it is proposed to apply Nitroamophoska-M fertilizer at the rate of 600&nbsp;kg/ha on the background of ammonium nitrate (175&nbsp;kg/ha) to obtain a high yield with good quality broccoli heads of the hybrid Koros F1. The seedling growing method is also recommended for broccoli cultivation on dark gray podzolic soils in the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.</p> O. Dydiv, I. Dydiv , A. Zanevych-Baikovska, J. Franchuk, R. Rosa Copyright (c) 2023 https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/241 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 BERRY WONDER-CROPS IN THE FARMER SECTOR: MARKETING SPECULATION OR VALUABLE VITAMIN SUPPLEMENT TO THE DIET https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/242 <p>The article emphasizes the fact that cultivation of non-traditional berry crops (such as blackberries, honeysuckle, and others) should not only be economically beneficial but also environmentally safe in terms of both safety of the berries themselves and their impact on the environment. When choosing crops, farmers should think critically basing on principal knowledge of the courses of school biology and geography, as well as reliable professional information, rather than blindly follow the mass advertising attack of the information and communication resources. It is necessary to consider the ecological risks and threats that may arise during their cultivation.</p> <p>Considering that blackberries and edible honeysuckle require a lot of water for irrigation, and given the geographic conditions of the Main European Watershed in western Ukraine, water scarcity will increase due to global climate change trends, the authors of the research believe that the increasing cost of cultivating these berry crops will only cause economic losses. It will have a negative eco-economic effect, which will take decades to overcome, provided that appropriate reclamation work is carried out.</p> <p>Cultivation of invasive raspberries can be unpredictable since the plant is highly competitive. Without proper care, there is a risk of uncontrolled spread, which poses a threat to natural ecosystems. Taking into account the present problems associated with introduced species of agricultural crops or quazi decorative plants and pollinators, such as Sosnowsky's hogweed (<em>Heracleum sosnowskyi</em> Manden.), Canadian goldenrod (<em>Solidago canadensis</em> L.), farmers should be extremely cautious in making decisions.</p> I.S. Rozhko, I.M. Rozhko Copyright (c) 2023 https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/242 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 YIELD AND QUALITY OF CAULIFLOWER DEPENDING ON THE NORMS OF LIQUID COMPLEX FERTILIZERS (LCF 3:18:18) https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/243 <p>Сauliflower demands proper soil fertility, as well as provision of macro- and microelements. A high yield of cauliflower is obtained on fertile, loamy soils, with a pH close to neutral. Due to a violation of the balance of mineral substances in the soil and a lack of moisture, plants lag in growth. Liquid complex fertilizers (LCF&nbsp;3:18:18) are one of the effective mineral fertilizers from an ecological point of view, which are easily absorbed by plants. In conditions of the Western Forest Steppe of Ukraine, studies were conducted on dark gray podzolic light loamy soils to examine the influence of different rates of liquid complex fertilizers (LCF&nbsp;3:18:18) on the yield and biochemical composition of cauliflower.</p> <p>A hybrid of cauliflower Lecanu F<sub>1 </sub>was chosen as the subject of the research. The scheme of the experiment included the following versions: 1)&nbsp;Control (without fertilizers); 2)&nbsp;LCF – 40&nbsp;l/ha; 3)&nbsp;LCF – 80&nbsp;l/ha; 4)&nbsp;LCF – 120&nbsp;l/ha; 5) LCF – 160&nbsp;l/ha; 6)&nbsp;LCF – 200&nbsp;l/ha.</p> <p>For two years of research, a long width (17–18 cm) and weight of heads (1380 and 1460&nbsp;g), density of 8 and 9 points, were obtained on the versions: LCF – 160&nbsp;l/ha and LCF – 200&nbsp;l/ha, while in the control version (without fertilizers) these figures were the lowest and amounted 13&nbsp;cm and 620&nbsp;g, respectively. Having applied the seedling method of growing cauliflower using the liquid complex mineral fertilizer (LCF 3:18:18) at the rate of 120 l/ha (LCF) and 160 l/ha (LCF), one obtained the high yielding capacity of cauliflower heads (42.6 and 47.1&nbsp;t/ha), which exceeded the control (without fertilizers – 29.7&nbsp;t/ha) by 12.9 and 17.4&nbsp;t/ha, respectively. It was found that the increased rates of liquid complex fertilizers (LCF&nbsp;3:18:18) of 200&nbsp;l/ha did not contribute to a significant increase in yielding capacity.</p> <p>Liquid complex mineral fertilizers (LCF&nbsp;3:18:18) improved the quality of cauliflower heads, in particular, one obtained the highest content of dry matter (9.38&nbsp;%), total sugar (4.72&nbsp;%), ascorbic acid (62.82&nbsp;mg/%), protein (2.84&nbsp;%) in version 4 at (LCF) a rate of 120&nbsp;l/ha. The content of nitrate nitrogen in all versions of the experiment did not exceed the maximum allowable concentration. The content of nitrate nitrogen in all variants of the experiment did not exceed the maximum permissible concentration (MPC).</p> <p>There is a suggestion to apply a liquid complex mineral fertilizer (LCF&nbsp;3:18:18) at a rate of 160&nbsp;l/ha) to obtain a high yielding (47&nbsp;t/ha) capacity with good quality of cauliflower heads of the hybrid Lecanu F<sub>1</sub>. One should apply the seedling method of cultivation on dark gray podzolic soils in the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.</p> O. Dydiv Copyright (c) 2023 https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/243 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 THE EFFECT OF GIBBERELLIC ACID ON THE YIELD AND QUALITY OF ROOT PARSLEY (PETROSELINUM CRISPUM L.) IN CONDITIONS OF THE FOREST STEPPE OF UKRAINE https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/244 <p>Based on the results of the 2018–2020 research for the agro-climatic zone of the Left Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine, a comprehensive study was conducted to determine the effect of the concentration of the phytohormone gibberellic acid on the yield and quality of root crops of parsley (<em>Petroselinum crispum</em> L.) samples and the most effective concentrations of the substance were selected. It was proved that both gibberellic acid in different concentrations of the active substance and the agroclimatic conditions of the experimental field affected the yield of root crops of root parsley. The use of gibberellic acid made it possible to reduce the yield of non-marketable root crops to 0.9–2.4&nbsp;t/ha. The amount of marketable products within the scope of the experiment was at the level of 27.6–35.7&nbsp;t/ha. Higher values are indicated in variants with the use of gibberellic acid. Spraying plants with the acid during the growing season provided an increase in the diameter of the parsley root head to the level of 3.5–5.0&nbsp;cm. The length of the root crops in the experiment was 15.6–19.4&nbsp;cm and also greater than when using growth regulators. The results of the analysis of the biochemical composition of root crops of root parsley proved that growth regulators changed the content of dry matter, total sugar, vitamin C and nitrates. In terms of dry matter content, the advantage was noted in variants with two-time spraying of plants with gibberellic acid solution, in which the dry matter content was 2.6–3.9&nbsp;% higher compared to the control. It should be noted that spraying root parsley plants with a solution of gibberellic acid helped to reduce the nitrate content in root crops, in particular, in the variants with the use of a growth regulator, the nitrate content was 81–159&nbsp;mg/kg less compared to the control variant.</p> I. Pidlubenko, I. Dydiv, O. Ovchinnikova Copyright (c) 2023 https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/244 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 STUDY OF THE SPECIES COMPOSITION OF ANNUAL FLOWERING AND ORNAMENTAL PLANTS IN CONDITIONS OF THE WESTERN FOREST STEPPE OF UKRAINE https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/245 <p>The article presents the results of a study conducted on the species of annual flowering and ornamental plants in the flower compositions of the Western Forest Steppe of Ukraine. The study aimed to determine the resistance of these plants to diseases. The study focused on flowering and decorative plants that are grown as annuals in the Western Forest Steppe of Ukraine. The range of flowering and ornamental plants is classified into two classes: <em>Monocotylidone</em>s and <em>Dicotilydones</em>. Class <em>Monocotilydones</em> is represented by: 2 – families; 6 – genera; 9 – spcies. Class <em>Dicotilydones</em> is represented by: 23 families; 47 – genera; 49 – by species.</p> <p>The most numerous family from the class Dicotilydones is Asteraceae, which is represented by: 22&nbsp;species from 20 genera. The most widely represented genera are: Portulaca&nbsp;L. (Portulac); Pharbitis Choisy L. (Ipomoea); Tagetes L. (marigolds); Dahlia Cav. (Georgina); Zinnia&nbsp;L. (Zinnia, Majory) which have several garden forms by the number of decorative garden forms. The range of flower and decorative plants used for arranging flower gardens in conditions of the Western Forest Steppe of Ukraine is represented by 4 ecological groups: mesophytes, xerophytes, heliophytes, sciophytes.</p> <p>Annual flowering and decorative plants tend to lose their appeal due to damage caused by phytopathogenic microorganisms of fungal, bacterial, and viral origin. Throughout the growing season, these plants are susceptible to various diseases, including black leg, gray rot, powdery mildew, fusarium wilt, septoriosis, cercosporosis, alternariosis, as well as spotting of petals and leaves. The decorative forms of species from the genera <em>Antirrhinum</em> L., <em>Collistephuys Cass</em>, <em>Taget</em>es L., and <em>Zinnia</em> L. were most often hurt.</p> <p>The phytopathogenic complex of annual flowering ornamental plants is represented by fungi from the genera<em>: Peronospora</em>, <em>Phytophthora</em>, <em>Cercospora</em>, <em>Septori</em>a, <em>Fusarium</em>, <em>Botrytis</em>, <em>Phyllosticta</em>, <em>Erysiphe</em>, <em>Rhizoctonia</em>, <em>Alternaria</em>.</p> О. Dydiv, I. Dydiv , N. Lesрchuk Copyright (c) 2023 https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/245 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 IMPACT OF THE DEPTH OF WINTER WHEAT SEED WRAPPING ON ITS STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND YIELD https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/236 <p>To establish the optimal depth of winter wheat seed wrapping in conditions of the Western Forest Steppe in 2018–2020, field studies were conducted on the dark-gray podsolized light loam soil of the experimental field of the Department of Technologies in Crop Production of Lviv National Environmental University. On September 30, the RZhT Reform variety was sown with a seeding rate of 3.0 million/ha and row spacing of 15 cm. The mineral fertilizer application rate was N<sub>180</sub>Р<sub>46</sub>K<sub>60</sub>. The studied depthes of seed wrapping were 1 cm, 2&nbsp;cm, 3&nbsp;cm, 4&nbsp;cm, 5&nbsp;cm, 6&nbsp;cm and 7&nbsp;cm.</p> <p>It was established that the length of the root-like internode (distance from the primary root system to the node of the tiller) increased when the depth of seed wrapping increased and was the largest in the variant of sowing at the depth of 7&nbsp;cm – 4.5&nbsp;cm. The depth of seed wrapping did not affect the crop overwintering. The highest rates of field germination (90&nbsp;%) of winter wheat were obtained when sowing at the depth of 2 cm and 3 cm. The same depth of seed wrapping provided proper conditions for intensification of the tillering process. The coefficient of tillering increased up to 2.4 and 2.5. The density of productive stem of winter wheat was also the highest at the sowing depth at 2 cm and 3 cm, i.e. 634 units/m<sup>2</sup> and 652 units/m<sup>2</sup> respectively. The mass of grain from an ear was lower (1.32–1.34&nbsp;g) when sowing at a depth of 2–4&nbsp;cm, which was caused by better conditions for creating higher density of ears in these variants. In the variants with a higher or lower sowing depth, the conditions for tillering were complicated, and the yield depended more on the weight of grain from the ear. To get the highest yield, the optimal combination of the main elements of the structure of productive stem density and the weight of the grain from the ear is: 634 ears × 1.34&nbsp;g and 652 ears × 1.32&nbsp;g per m<sup>2</sup>. The best conditions for implementation of the genetic potential of winter wheat productivity of the RZhT Reform variety and obtaining the yield of 8.22&nbsp;t/ha and 8.30&nbsp;t/ha are &nbsp;created at the sowing depth of 2&nbsp;cm and 3&nbsp;cm. The yield is smaller in the variants of shallow and deep seed wrapping. In the version of sowing at the depth of 7&nbsp;cm, it was the smallest and amounted to 7.30&nbsp;t/ha.</p> V. Lykhochvor , V. Petrychenko , O. Andrushko , H. Kosylovych , Yu. Olifir Copyright (c) 2023 https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/236 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 EFFECT OF THE SOIL CULTIVATION METHOD ON THE MICROFLORA OF THE TRIFOLIUM PRATENSE AGROCENOSIS https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/237 <p>The work makes analysis of publications on the influence of cultivation method on the number of microorganisms in the soil.</p> <p>It is found that improving the method of the main cultivation makes it possible to enhance the agrophysical and water properties of the soil, has a positive effect on microbiological processes, provides prerequisites for expanded recovery of fertility and restoration of the natural soil formation in agrocenoses.</p> <p>The article describes results of the scientific research on the effect of the method of main tillage of Trifolium pratenseagrocenosis on the number of bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes in the dark gray podzolized soils of the Western Forest Steppe and the yield of Trifolium pratense hay of the Truskavchanka variety. Three variants of the method of soil cultivation were studied, nmely&nbsp;I. Conventional (control) – plowing with a four-cabinet mounted with a body width of 35 cm (PLN-4-35) to a depth of 20–22 cm; II. Chisel – plowing with a chisel plow with a working width of 4.5&nbsp;m (PCh-4.5) to a depth of 20–22 cm; III. Tiered – plowing with a tiered four-hull plow with a hull width of 40 cm (PYA-4-40) to a depth of 14–16&nbsp;cm. For the microbiological analysis, the average samples from five individual exemplars were prepared. The main agronomically useful groups of microorganisms were selected from the soil by the method of microbiological sowing of soil extracts on solid nutrient environment: for fungi – wort-agar, for bacteria – meat-peptone agar (MPA), for actinomycetes – starch-ammonia environment.</p> <p>It is established that development of microorganisms depends on the method of the basic soil cultivation.</p> <p>The positive effect of tillage on the number of microbiota and yield of Trifolium pretense has been proven. The combined method of the main tillage (plowing with a PYA-4-40 plow) creates the most favorable environment for microorganisms: bacterial microbiota (3621.7 thousand), fungi (45 thousand) and actinomycetes (1640 thousand CFO/1 gram of completely dry soil).</p> <p>The highest yield of hay (115.6&nbsp;c/ha) was obtained at the combined method of the main tillage, which provided a significant increase in yield as compared to the control (сonventional plowing) and chisel tillage.</p> I. Dudar , I. Shuvar , N. Ohorodnyk , H. Korpita , S. Pavkovych Copyright (c) 2023 https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/237 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 PROSPECTS OF BIOETHANOL AND PELLET PRODUCTION BASED ON SWEET SORGHUM CULTIVARS GROWING ON RECLAIMED LANDS https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/238 <p>Field experiments on the growing of Ukrainian and American cultivars of sugar sorghum were conducted in the conditions of the steppe zone of Ukraine at the Pokrov educational and research station of land reclamation. The station was founded almost 50 years ago on a 60 m high dump after mining and technical reclamation works related to the open pit quarry of manganese ore. Three sweet sorghum hybrids of Ukrainian selection including Medove, Zubr, Pokrovske, one variety called Silosne – 42, and four American hybrids (SS506, Sioux, Mohawk, G1990) were studied in the field conditions in 2017–2018. A two-factor field experiment was launched, namely Factor A – sweet sorghum hybrids of domestic and American origin; factor B – two types of soil (chernozem mass and phytomeliorated loess-like loam). The main goal of the study was to assess prospects for production of high-quality biological raw material after sweet sorghum cultivars growing on reclaimed lands.</p> <p>Plants grown on chernozem had little higher Brix values than those on loess loam. The theoretical yield of ethanol of the high-yield hybrids (Zubr, Medove, Mohawk, SS506) was 2500–3600 l ha<sup>-1</sup>, and of the low-yield hybrids (Sioux and Silosne-42) – 705–1600 l ha<sup>-1</sup>.</p> <p>The study of biomass thermolysis processes of the Ukrainian and American cultivars of sweet sorghum revealed both similarities and differences in three indicators (mass loss, speed of decomposition processes, thermal effect). Chemical reactions of destruction of the samples of the Ukrainian cultivars were characterized by a greater release of energy than destruction of the samples of the American hybrids. There was almost no difference in the nature of mass loss within hybrid groups on the black soil. In the samples of the Ukrainian cultivars, the rate of mass loss increased at earlier stages at temperatures of 170–175&nbsp;<sup>o</sup>C, while the samples of the American hybrids began to rapidly lose the mass only at temperatures of 230–240&nbsp;<sup>o</sup>C. The duration of thermolysis on chernozem was longer than on loess like loam and was 40–50&nbsp;°C – 550–580&nbsp;°C in the Ukrainian cultivars and 50–60&nbsp;°C – 550–590&nbsp;°C in the American hybrids.</p> <p>Therefore, the obtained results of the evaluation of the theoretical yield of ethanol and processes of thermolysis of bagasse made it possible to identify some American and Ukrainian cultivars for growing on the two types of reclaimed land.</p> M. Kharytonov , M. Бабенко, I. Rula, C. Lemishko , N. Martynova, V. Hamandii Copyright (c) 2023 https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/238 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 THE EFFECT OF SOWING RATE ON AMARANTHUS YIELD https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/239 <p>Amaranth is an agricultural crop that has been known for more than two thousand years. Despite this, the technology of growing the crop has not been developed sufficiently. Field studies were conducted on dark gray podzolized soil in the western forest-steppe to establish an optimal amaranth sowing rate. The research was conducted over a few years, and the weather conditions during this time were quite contrasting and differed from average many-year data both in terms of temperature and precipitation. In 2020 and 2022, the average temperature during the growing season was 15.3°C, which is 0.5°C higher than the long-term data, while in 2021, it corresponded to the average long-term data. In 2020, the amount of precipitation was 129 mm more than the long-term average during the growing season, and in 2021, it was 73 mm more, whilst the value for 2022 was 28 mm higher. The study examined six sowing rates: 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, and 1.2 million similar seeds per hectare.</p> <p>It was established that the rate of sowing had an impact on the field germination of amaranth. At the sowing rate of 0.2 million/ha, the field germination was 70%, but it decreased to 60% at the sowing rate of 1.2 million/ha, which is a 10% decline. The density of plants was higher in the variants with higher seeding rates. At the seeding rate of 0.2 million/ha, there were 14 plants in the seedling phase, while at the seeding rate of 1.2 million/ha, the number of plants increased to 72 pieces/m2. The survival of plants during the growing season sharply decreased when the crop density increased, i.e., from 86% at the sowing rate of 0.2 million/ha to 45% at the sowing rate of 1.2 million/ha. Therefore, before harvesting, the density of plants was leveled off and equaled 12–32 plants per m<sup>2</sup>. The optimal combination of the main elements of the structure was 21 plants/m<sup>2</sup> and 26 plants/m<sup>2</sup>, and the weight of grain from one plant was 20.4 g and 16.1 g, respectively. The highest yield of amaranth grain of the Kharkivskyi 1 variety was obtained at the sowing rate of 0.4 million/ha and 0.6 million/ha, which yielded 4.28 t/ha and 4.20 t/ha, respectively. An increase or decrease in the sowing rate leads to a drop in the yield level.</p> M. Tyrus Copyright (c) 2023 https://visnyk.lnau.edu.ua/index.php/agronomy/article/view/239 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200